Ehm ehm... Ada kabar gembira untuk kalian yang nggak pede gara-gara hidungnya banyak komedo hitam. Apakah kalian ingin segera mengakhiri cara-cara sakit dan mengerikan hanya untuk menghilangkan komedo di hidung? Ini dia solusinya, nggak pakai sakit, nggak pakai menderita.
Ehm ehm ... There is a good news for those of you who do not confident because having a lot of blackheads on your nose. Do you want an immediate end to the painful and horrible ways that you do just to get rid the blackheads on your nose? Here is the solution, no pain, no suffer.
B.liv ini sendiri merupakan produk dari Cellnique dan merupakan gel penghilang komedo hitam dan putih racikan salon pertama di dunia dan diklaim sangat efektif untuk menghilangkan komedo-komedo itu tanpa rasa sakit.
B.liv itself is a product of Cellnique and a world's first beauty-salon-formulated blackhead and whitehead remover gel and be claimed can remove the blackheads and whiteheads without any pain.
B.liv berani memberi garansi uang kembali apabila dalam 2 minggu tidak ada perubahan apa-apa di wajah kita.
B.liv is dare to give money back guarantee if within 2 weeks there's no change on our face.
FYI aja, apa sih artinya B.liv? B.liv berkaitan dengan kepercayaan diri, karenanya nama "b.liv" bukan hanya singkatan dari kata "believe" (percaya), tetapi juga dari kata "be" (menjadi) dan "live"(hidup/ hiduplah!). Nama b.līv merupakan suatu motto hidup yang menyatakan “hiduplah untuk saat ini” dan kuasai harimu.
Just for FYI, what's the meaning of B.liv? B.liv is about confidence, hence the name “b.liv” is not just a contraction of the word “believe”, but also of the words “be” and “live”. This constitutes a life-affirming motto which exhorts consumers to “live for the moment” and seize the day.
Gel ini membantu membasmi komedo-komedo hitam maupun putih tanpa rasa sakit atau harus dengan memencet hidung kita dengan kuat. Setelah dibasmi pun, gel ini bisa membantu agar komedo tidak akan muncul lagi. Gel ini juga membantu menyelesaikan masalah pori-pori yang tersumbat.
This gel helps extracting blackheads and whiteheads without pain or squeezing our nose. Once they've been removed, this gel can help keep blackheads and whiteheads won't appear again. This gel also helps solve the problem of clogged pores.
This gel helps extracting blackheads and whiteheads without pain or squeezing our nose. Once they've been removed, this gel can help keep blackheads and whiteheads won't appear again. This gel also helps solve the problem of clogged pores.
Cara menggunakannya sangat mudah. Gunakan gel ini pada pagi dan malam di wajah yang sudah dibersihkan. Kemudian pump kurang lebih 2-3 pump seukuran kacang dan gunakan ke T-zone (hidung dan dahi) area atau di mana tempat-tempat di wajah kita yang terdapat komedo hitam atau putih.
Very easy to be used. Use this gel in the morning and evening on cleansed face. Then pump approximately 2-3 pea-sized drops and use it to the T-zone (nose and forehead) or areas with black or whiteheads.
Very easy to be used. Use this gel in the morning and evening on cleansed face. Then pump approximately 2-3 pea-sized drops and use it to the T-zone (nose and forehead) or areas with black or whiteheads.
Minyak akan muncul pada awal penggunaan dan itu normal. Bagi yang punya kulit sensitif, biasanya akan agak merasa sedikit rasa tertusuk-tusuk, tetapi tenang, tidak akan sakit kok. Gel ini sudah diformulasikan agar alergi terminimalisir. Gel ini tidak melakukan tes terhadap hewan. Produk akan bertahan 12 bulan setelah dibuka. Untuk pemakaian normal, biasanya gel ini jika pemakaian normal akan habis dalam waktu lebih dari 3 bulan.
Oil will be secreted at the beginning usage and it's normal. For those who have sensitive skin, usually may experience mild stinging sensation, but it won't that hurt anyway. This gel has been formulated to minimize allergies. This gel doesn't do tests on animals. This product can be used 12 months after opening. For normal use, it lasts up to 3 months until completely used.
Oil will be secreted at the beginning usage and it's normal. For those who have sensitive skin, usually may experience mild stinging sensation, but it won't that hurt anyway. This gel has been formulated to minimize allergies. This gel doesn't do tests on animals. This product can be used 12 months after opening. For normal use, it lasts up to 3 months until completely used.
• Menghilangkan komedo hitam dan komedo putih
• Menjaga jerawat di bawah kontrol
• Kontrol minyak
• Menghentikan penyumbatan pori-pori
• Menyediakan pengelupasan secara lembut
• Memiliki sifat menyejukkan dan hidrat
• Removes blackheads and whiteheads
• Keeps acne under control
• Controls oil
• Unclogs pores
• Provides a gentle exfoliation
• Has soothing and hydrating properties
Botolnya terbuat dari plastik yang cukup tebal dengan pump di atasnya. Pumpnya bisa menyesuaikan banyaknya gel yang keluar.
The bottle is made from quite thick plastic with a pump on it. The pump can adjust the amount of gel that comes out.
The bottle is made from quite thick plastic with a pump on it. The pump can adjust the amount of gel that comes out.
Teksturnya tentu saja seperti gel, agak watery jadi gampang meresap. Baunya seperti obat batuk cair yang cukup familiar. Hehehe. Saya merasakan sensasi tingling yang tidak menganggu. Ketika dioles ke wajah, akan terasa sensasi dingin.
The texture is obviously gel-like texture, somewhat watery, so easily to be absorbed. It smells like familiar liquid cough medicine. Hehehe. I feel a tingling sensation on my face that doesn't that disturbing. When it was smeared on my face, I felt the cooling sensation.
The texture is obviously gel-like texture, somewhat watery, so easily to be absorbed. It smells like familiar liquid cough medicine. Hehehe. I feel a tingling sensation on my face that doesn't that disturbing. When it was smeared on my face, I felt the cooling sensation.
Mari kita lihat kandungan utama dari gel ini.
Let's see what the main ingredients of this gel.
Minyak Tea Tree:
• Pengontrol jerawat
• Anti-inflamasi, anti-septik
• Anti-bakteri, anti-jamur
Tea Tree Oil:
• Controls acne
• Anti-inflammatory, anti-septic
• Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal
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Ekstrak lidah buaya: • Menyejukkan & hidrat kulit • Memudarkan bekas jerawat • Anti-inflamasi, anti-bakteri
Aloe Vera Extract:
• Soothes & hydrates skin
• Fades acne scars
• Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial
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Ekstrak witch hazel: • Pengontrol minyak • Mengecangkan pori-pori
Witch Hazel Extract:
• Controls oil
• Tightens pores
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Minyak peppermint: • Menghilangkan komedo hitam & komedo putih • Sangat membersihkan • Pengontrol minyak
Peppermint Oil:
• Eliminates blackheads & whiteheads
• Deeply cleanses
• Controls oil
Bagaimana cara kerja B.liv? Bisa kalian lihat di gambar di bawah ini.
How B.liv works? You can see this picture bellow.

Bagaimana hasilnya di saya? Selama 2 minggu alias 14 hari saya menggunakan, saya merasakan ada perubahan di kulit wajah saya. Sayang banget kurang kelihatan di foto. Komedo saya belum sepenuhnya hilang, tapi yang saya sadari adalah wajah saya terasa lebih halus, benar-benar halus. Dan yang paling membuat saya bahagia adalah, jerawat saja jadi jarang muncul! Padahal saya sedang masa period saya ketika menggunakan serum ini, tapi luar biasanya jerawat saat menstruasi saya sama sekali tidak muncul, bahkan yang biasanya kondisi kulit saya jadi kemerahan dan kusam pada saat menstruasi, setelah menggunakan gel ini, saya tidak mengalami masalah kulit itu lagi. Biasanya saya menggunakan banyak sekali produk facial care, tetapi setelah menggunakan gel ini, tidak perlu lagi menggunakan yang lain.
How is the result on me? During the 14 days a.k.a 2 weeks I used this, I feel there's a change on my face skin. Unfortunately, it's less visible in the photos. My blackheads haven't completely disappeared, but what I realized was my face feels smoother, really smooth. And the most thing that makes me happy is that my acne becomes rarely appear! Though I was on my period when using this serum, but my menstrual acne didn't appear, even my skin condition usually has redness and dull on my period, but after using this gel, I don't have skin problems like that again. Usually I use a lot of facial care products, but after using this gel, no longer need to use the other.
Walau gelnya tidak memberikan efek signifikan untuk menghilangkan masalah komedo saya, tapi di adik saya sangat kelihatan hasilnya. Saya menyuruh dia yang punya masalah dengan komedonya untuk menggunakan ini. Mama saya menyadari kalau ada perubahan di wajah adik saya yang cukup signifikan. Kulit di dekat hidung dia juga sangat kasar dan sangat kelihatan kalau in person, tapi setelah menggunakan ini, bahkan Mama saya notice kalau kulit kasar adik saya mulai menghilang. Akhirnya si Mama juga tertarik mencoba. Hihi.
Although the gel didn't give significant effect to remove my blackheads problem, but on my sister it gave very noticeable results. I told her who had problem with blackheads to use this. My mom realized that there's a significant change on my sist's face. Her skin that near her nose was also very rough and very noticeable in person, but after using it, even my mom notice that my sist's rough skin began to reduce. Finally, my mom is also interested in trying this gel. Hihi.
Harganya Rp 590.000 atau USD 49.
The price is IDR 590.000 or USD 49.
- handy packaging
- watery texture so makes it easy to be adsorbed
- giving cooling sensation
- prevent the acne even when I'm on my period
- smoothing the skin, really really is!
- for me, it's one stop facial care
- pricey
Where to Get This B.Liv Off with Those Heads?
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