Friday, December 5, 2014

ETUDE Tear Eye Liner "#3 Pearl"

Tear bag sedang ngetren banget di kalangan cewek remaja Asia terutama di Korea karena katanya membuat wajah kita terlihat lebih youthful. Mata juga akan terlihat seperti "tersenyum" atau yang ngetren di Korea disebut aegyo sal alias smiling eyes. Nah, eyeliner untuk tear bag juga lagi banyak-banyaknya nih dari Korea. Saya akan mereview salah satu produk Etude yaitu Tear Eye Liner dengan warna nomor 3, Pearl.
Tear bags are very in among Asian teenage girls, especially in Korea because it makes us look more youthful. The eyes also will look like "smile" or in Korea called aegyo sal a.k.a smiling eyes. Well, the eyeliner for tear bag also sold massively in Korea. I will review one that's from Etude, Tear Eye Liner with color number 3, Pearl.

Packagingnya terbuat dari plastik dengan tutup yang panjang.
The packaging is made from plastic with long cap.

Aplikatornya mirip seperti aplikator eyeliner cair pada umumnya.
The applicator is like usual liquid eyeliner applicator.

Warnanya lebih ke pinkish pearl, jadi lebih natural di warna kulit.
The color is more to pinkish pearl, so it's more natural to skin color.

Sebenarnya untuk warnanya saya suka sekali, sayangnya jika kelamaan dipakai, dia akan terlihat seperti flaky, staying powernya biasa-biasa saja. Tear liner ini juga tidak waterproof. Di satu sisi bagus karena mudah dibersihkan, di sisi lain karena tear liner ini sudah pasti diaplikasikan di dekat water liner yang sudah pasti sering berair, menjadi hal jeleknya karena mudah luntur.
Actually, I love the color, but unfortunately if it's used over time, it will look like flaky, the staying power is so so. This tear liner is also not a waterproof liner. On the one hand it's good thing because it is easy to be cleaned up, on the other hand due to this tear liner is obviously applied near the water liner, that is definitely often watery, it's become bad thing because it's easily fade.

Harga ₩ 6000 di Etude Korea.
The price is ₩ 6000 in Korean Etude.


  • affordable
  • the color match so well with any skin color, not to contrast
  • dry easily
  • buildable


  • flaky after being used about 3 hours
  • staying power so so
  • not waterproof


  1. ak jg pny liner ini XD sukaa, iya bgusnya pas awal awal, lama lama jd pecah pecah tnggal glitternya aja T.T pdhl bagus
    waa alisnya bagus XD (gagal fokus), anw followed u, mind to follow back? makasih :D

    1. Iya bener bangettt. Kayak retak-retak, sisa glitternya T-T padahal cakep warnanya
      Makasiii ^^ OK Aku follback ya

  2. Looks very subtle and cute!

    恵美より ♥

    1. yeah, it glides pretty smooth. but when it dries out, it becomes like flaky T_T



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