Tuesday, January 27, 2015

SWEET PEA Homemade Dry Shampoo "Classic Matcha"

Saya yakin hampir 100% dari kita para wanita paling sebal kalo rambutnya lepek, berminyak, iew. Tapi kebayang nggak sih, ketika lagi ada acara atau mau foto, udah nggak ada waktu buat keramas apa lagi blow rambut? Yah, I know it is... suck.
I'm sure almost 100% of us ladies hate if our hair becomes greasy, oily, iew. But can you imagine that, when there's an event or you have to take any photo, no time to wash your hair even blow your hair? Well, I know it is ... suck.

Sekarang sudah ada solusi untuk mendapatkan hasil rambut seperti sehabis keramas-tapna keramas secara instan. Mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi ya dengan dry shampoo? Kamu bisa memakai dry shampoo tanpa perlu dikeramas, seriously, efisien banget buat kalian yang rambutnya lepek dan tidak ada waktu untuk keramas.
Now there's a solution to get after-shampooing hair without shampooing instantly. Probably you've been already familiar with dry shampoo right? You can use dry shampoo without wash your hair, seriously, really efficient for you that having greasy hair and have no time to wash it. 

Biasanya dry shampoo hadir dalam bentuk seperti spray, tapi dry shampoo yang mau saya review kali ini berbentuk bedak tabur dan 100% produk Indonesia.
Usually dry shampoo comes in spray, but this time the dry shampoo that I'll be reviewed is in powder and 100% of Indonesian product.

Dearest owner @sweetpeadryshampoo_id memberikan saya kesempatan untuk mencoba produk dry shampoo mereka. How lucky I am because mereka memberikan salah satu varian terbaru dari produk mereka yaitu Classic Matcha. Ya, I'm matcha lover and all about green tea. Selain Classic Matcha, ada varian terbaru mereka yang lain yaitu Vanilla Blossom. Untuk varian lain ada Romantic Rose, Sweet Lavender, Fresh Orange, Chocolate dan Cooling Mint. Uuu really want try em all!
Dearest owner of @sweetpeadryshampoo_id gave me a chance to try their dry shampoo product. How lucky I am because they gave one of the latest variant of their products, Classic Matcha. Ya, I'm matcha lover and all about green tea. Besides Classic Matcha, there is other variant of their latest product, that is Vanilla Blossom. There're other variant like Romantic Rose, Sweet Lavender, Fresh Orange, Chocolate and Cooling Mint. Uuu really want try em all!

Packagingnya sangat eye catching, cute and adorable. Packagingnya terbuat dari kaleng dan what makes it cuter is, kain tile-nya, walaupun ini yang membuat kalengnya susah dibuka. Hoho.
The packaging is very eye catching, cute and adorable. The packaging is made from tin and what makes it cuter is, its tulle fabric, although this fabric makes the packaging is difficult to be opened. Hoho.

Di kalengnya juga terdapat tulisan bahan-bahan yang digunakan di dry shampoo dan masa kadaluwarsanya.
There is also explanation about what ingredients and the expired period on the jar.

Pure vanilla oil? Green tea oil maybe??

Kalian juga akan mendapatkan lembaran petunjuk pemakaiannya.
You also will get the usage explanation paper.

Ketika kamu membuka tutup kalengnya, memang agak susah karena ada kain tile dan kertas crepe yang mensecure isi bubuk dry shampoo biar nggak tumpah.
When you open the lid of the jar, it's quite difficult because there tulle fabric and crepe paper that secure the powder of dry shampoo so it won't spill out.

Setelah membuka packagingnya, bau green tea a.k.a mathca-nya tercium. Wangi favorit saya ♡
After opening the packaging, the scent of green tea aka matcha is out. My favorite scent ♡

Teksturnya seperti bedak, tetapi masih terdapat butiran kasar.
The texture is like powder, but there are also rough particle.

Jika kalian mengalami kesusahan untuk membuka kalengnya, kalian bisa melepas tile dan kertasnya.
If you have any difficulty to open the jar, you can remove the tulle and paper.

Karena bentuknya bubuk, kalian bisa menggunakan kuas untuk membantu pemakaian. Bagi yang tidak memiliki kuas, jangan khawatir, kalian juga bisa membubuhkan dry shampoo secukupnya ke jari kalian dan langsung gosokkan ke rambut.
Because it's powder, you can use a brush to help the application. For those who don't have a brush, don't worry, you can also sprinkle enough amount of dry shampoo on your finger and immediately rub it into your hair.

Cara penggunaannya sangat mudah dengan kuas. Ambil secukupnya, apabila terasa banyak, tap off the excess.
It's very easily to apply this with a brush. Take an enough amount, if too much, tap off the excess.

Lihat betapa menyebalkannya jika kondisi rambutmu seperti ini?
See how suck your hair if looks like this?

Gosokan kuas secara merata ke kulit kepala atau bagian rambut yang lepek.
Rub the brush evenly to the hair scalp or the greasy part of your hair.

Kamu akan kelihatan seperti nenek-nenek, tapi tenang, dengan jari-jarimu, gosok lagi rambutmu sampai dry shampoo merata.
You will look like a granny, but don't worry, with your finger, gently rub your hair until the dry shampoo spread evenly.


Can you see the difference?

I love love love this dry shampoo. Memang sih pemakaiannya tidak sepraktis yang aerosol, tetapi hasilnya tetap kelihatan loh. Rambut lepek seketika menjadi seperti habis keramas. Kemudian di rambut juga tidak menjadi kaku dan agak kusut seperti yang memakai aerosol. Bahannya juga natural dan homemade, jadi nggak takut bakal bermasalah di rambut.
I love love love this dry shampoo. I know, its usage isn't as practical as the aerosol one, but the results are still visible. Greasy hair instantly becomes like after-shampooing hair. Then hair also doesn't become stiff and somewhat squeaky tangled like using aerosol one. The ingredients are also natural and homemade, so there's no afraid having any problem on hair.

Harganya sangat terjangkau loh, Rp 55.000.
The price is very affordable, IDR 55.000.

  • 100% made in Indonesia and natural ingredients
  • very cute packaging
  • instantly remove the grease and oil on hair
  • doesn't make the hair too squeaky and tangling

  • hard to be opened (because of the tulle fabric and crepe paper)

Wa : 081908670322 (Alethea)
Line : beatrixbetania 


  1. queennnnnn~~~~ thank you so much yaaaa.. bagus banget reviewnya.. sukaa.. sukaaa
    makasi juga udah info kesalahan typo di ingredientsnya, kalo gak pasti bakal salah cetak terus.. hehehe..

    ps: sekitar 1-2 bulan lagi aku mau keluarin milk bath, di review lagi yaaaa :D

    1. Halo ciiiii, aku nggak nyangka ini produk ci2 sma ci Be >,< ternyata produksi orang dekat
      iyaa oke deh >,< aku jg mau coba varian lain Dry Shampoo nya, yg Chocolate atau Vanilla Blossom kalo pny ku ud abis



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