Bina Blog Indonesia mengirimkan paket berupa produk Revlon salah satunya adalah Revlon ColorStay Eyeliner/Crayon yang Black. Eyeliner crayon ini retractable, jadi nggak butuh serutan lagi.
Bina Blog Indonesia sent me Revlon's products, one of them is Revlon ColorStay Eyeliner/Crayon with shade Black. This eyeliner is retractable, so you don't need any sharpener.
Please, hati-hati banget! Produk ini bisa diputar ke atas, tapi nggak bisa diputar lagi ke bawah T.T. Aku hampir aja putar isinya sampai mentok karena mau kasih lihat kalian sebanyak apa isi eyeliner ini, tapi sukur aja aku kepikiran langsung mau swatch dulu sebelum diputar sampai penuh, jadi pas aku mau pendekin dikit isinya, malah nggak bisa masuk. Sukur aja cuma dikit.
Please be careful! This product can be twisted up, but it can't be twisted back T.T. I almost twisted all the eyeliner, but fortunately I just thought that I wanted to swatch it first before twisting all the eyeliner out, so when I wanted to make it shorter, it can't be twisted back. Thank god it's just a little I twisted out.
Teksturnya creamy dan nggak terlalu dragging, gampang diaplikasiin di waterline juga.
The texture is creamy and not too dragging, easy to be applied on waterline too.
Aku melakukan tes eyeliner ini terhadap ketahanannya dengan air, gosokan dan air beserta gosokkan. Hasilnya tidak mengecewakan. Eyeliner ini waterproof dan daya tahan terhadap gosokan juga lumayan loh.
I did some tests with this eyeliner including water test, smudge test and water+smudge test. The result is not disappointing. This eyeliner is waterproof and the smudgeproof power is quite good.
Karena teksturnya yang lumayan creamy, jadi pas diaplikasikan ke kelopak maupun waterline di mata, warnanya langsung keluar. Ketahanannya juga bagus banget, nggak fade walau pakainya hampir seharian.
Because the texture is quite creamy, once it's applied on my lid or my waterline, the color is out. The staying power is quite amazing, not fade although almost a day usage.
Harganya Rp 79.000.
The price is IDR 79.000.
- affordable
- the color is intense
- creamy and not too dragging, works well on waterliner
- waterproof
- staying power is so good
- not fade
- once you twist up the eyeliner, it can't twist back
- fragile packaging
- transfer
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