Hai semua! Bagaimana liburannya? Saya mau mengucapkan juga selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri bagi para readers yang merayakan. Saya sendiri sudah planning padahal kalau liburan gini bisa produktif, tapi ternyata selalu saja ada halangan untuk posting. Huhuhu.
Hi all! How was your vacation? I also want to say Happy Idul Fitri for readers who celebrate it. I have been planning for this holiday to be more productive, but it turned out there's always be something that made me couldn't posting. Huhuhu.
Nah kembali ke review kali ini. Saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mereview produk Citra terbaru yaitu Citra Light Touch Japanese Wakame yang terdiri dari lotion dan serum.
Now back to the review. I got a chance to review the latest product of Citra Light Touch Japanese Wakame consisting of lotion and serum.
Oh ya mereka juga meluncurkan produk terbaru yang terbuat dari korean orchid.
Ah, they're also launching their new products that made from korean orchid.
Saya akan mereview yang Japanese Wakame duluan ya.
I will start to review the Japanese Wakame.
I will start to review the Japanese Wakame.
Mungkin nggak semua orang tahu apa sih itu Japanese Wakame. Wakame adalah rumput laut yang berasal dari Jepang. Penampakannya seperti ini.
Perhaps not everyone knows what is Japanese Wakame. Wakame is a seaweed that comes from Japan. The appearance is this.
Perhaps not everyone knows what is Japanese Wakame. Wakame is a seaweed that comes from Japan. The appearance is this.
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Atau masih asing?? Nah kalian tidak akan asing jika melihat ini.
Or still strange ?? Well you won't be strange until you see this .
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Wakame atau yang bernama latin Undaria pinnatifida ini sudah sangat umum digunakan untuk sup miso dan masakan Jepang lainnya. Rasanya juga enak. Hihihi.
Wakame or Undaria pinnatifida is very common to be used for miso soup and other Japanese dishes. It tastes so good. Hihihi.
Wakame or Undaria pinnatifida is very common to be used for miso soup and other Japanese dishes. It tastes so good. Hihihi.
Agak bingung ya, kok bahan makanan dijadikan produk perawatan tubuh. Tapi, tahukah kalian kalau Japanese Wakame sendiri sudah memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kecantikan kulit orang Jepang? Menurut www.esthers-beautyshop.com, kandungan Japanese Wakame sangat banyak, seperti asam lemak, asam amino, vitamin-vitamin (A, C, K, E, riboflavin, folat) dan antioksidan. Wakame sendiri selain digunakan sebagai bahan makanan, di Jepang juga digunakan sebagai bahan produk skincare.
Lil bit confused huh, why food ingredients is made for body care products. But, do you know if the Japanese Wakame itself already has many benefits for the Japanese beauty skin? According to www.esthers-beautyshop.com, Japanese Wakame contains plenty of fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins (A, C, K, E, riboflavin, folate) and antioxidants. Wakame itself is not only used as food ingredient, in Japan also used as a skincare product.
Lil bit confused huh, why food ingredients is made for body care products. But, do you know if the Japanese Wakame itself already has many benefits for the Japanese beauty skin? According to www.esthers-beautyshop.com, Japanese Wakame contains plenty of fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins (A, C, K, E, riboflavin, folate) and antioxidants. Wakame itself is not only used as food ingredient, in Japan also used as a skincare product.
Wakame memiliki kandungan sulphated pilyfucose yang melindungi kulit dari bahaya sinar matahari dan polusi yang dapat membuat kulit menjadi rusak. Wakame yang kaya akan antioksidan dapat menangkal radikal bebas yang merupakan zat yang mempercepat penuaan dini.
Wakame contains sulphated pilyfucose that protects skin from the harmful sun-rays and pollution that can make the skin become damaged. Wakame is rich of antioxidants that can prevent free-radicals that cause aging.
Wakame contains sulphated pilyfucose that protects skin from the harmful sun-rays and pollution that can make the skin become damaged. Wakame is rich of antioxidants that can prevent free-radicals that cause aging.
Yuk kita mulai dengan lotionnya. Lotionnya terdiri dari dua ukuran, yang besar (240 ml) dan travel size (120 ml).
Let us start with the lotion. The lotion comes of two sizes, large (240 ml) and travel size (120 ml).
Let us start with the lotion. The lotion comes of two sizes, large (240 ml) and travel size (120 ml).
Karena ini adalah gel lotion, maka pasti bahan dasarnya adalah air. Lotion ini lebih kental dari pada serumnya, tetapi tetap sangat cepat meresap. Tidak butuh waktu lama untuk lotion ini meresap sempurna ke kulit. Saya bukan termasuk suka menggunakan lotion karena lengket dan tidak nyaman di kulit. Tapi saya menyarankan menggunakan lotion water-based seperti ini untuk kalian yang butuh banget melembabkan kulit tetapi tidak suka efek lengket dari lotion. Untuk wanginya, lotion ini cukup memiliki wangi floral yang tajam.
Because this is a gel lotion, then surely the basic ingredient is water. This lotion textute is thicker than the serum, but very quickly to be absorbed. It doesn't take too long for the lotion completely absorbed into the skin. Actually me myself don't like using lotion because its stickiness and uncomfortable feeling on the skin. But I suggest using a water-based lotion like these one when you really need to moisturize the skin but don't like the effect of sticky lotion. For the fragrance, this lotion has quite strong floral scent.
Because this is a gel lotion, then surely the basic ingredient is water. This lotion textute is thicker than the serum, but very quickly to be absorbed. It doesn't take too long for the lotion completely absorbed into the skin. Actually me myself don't like using lotion because its stickiness and uncomfortable feeling on the skin. But I suggest using a water-based lotion like these one when you really need to moisturize the skin but don't like the effect of sticky lotion. For the fragrance, this lotion has quite strong floral scent.
Kemudian lanjut ke serumnya. Saya sangat menyukai packagingnya walau agak tidak travel friendly.
Next, the serum. I really like the packaging although somewhat it isn't travel friendly.
Untuk serum ini sendiri, teksturnya lebih watery dari lotionnya. Karena sama-sama water-based, serum ini juga sangat cepat menyerap. Untuk wanginya, serum ini memiliki wangi floral yang mirip dengan lotionnya tetapi wanginya lebih tajam.
For this serum itself, it has more watery texture than the lotion. Because both water-based, this serum is also very quick to be absorbed. For the scent, this serum has similar scent with the lotion but it has super strong floral scent than the lotion.
Saya membandingkan body serum Citra Japanese Wakame ini dengan body serum merk lain. Serum Citra lebih cepat meresap dan tidak lengket.
I compared the Japanese Wakame body serum with other brands of body serum. This serum is adsorbed more quickly and non-sticky.
I compared the Japanese Wakame body serum with other brands of body serum. This serum is adsorbed more quickly and non-sticky.
Saya tidak merekomendasi produk-produk ini untuk orang yang tidak suka bau bunga yang sangat kuat. Tapi saya highly recommend produk-produk ini untuk kalian yang tidak suka lotion karena alasan lengket karena lotion dan serum ini langsung meresap dan tidak lengket di kulit. Pernah kan merasakan pakai lotion biasa, terus keringatan? Iyuw banget kan rasanya? Kulit jadi kayak berlendir. Nah, lotion ini tidak akan memberikan efek seperti itu.
I don't recommend these products to people who doesn't like the strong scent of flowers. But I highly recommend these products for you who don't like lotion because of the stickiness because these lotion and serum are immediately absorbed and not sticky on the skin. Have you ever felt applying usual lotion, then sweating? Feels so yuckey huh? Like slimy-fish skin. Well, this lotion won't give such that effect.
Harga yang ditawarkan sangat terjangkau. Kisaran Rp 20.000an per produk.
The price is offered very affordable. The range is about IDR 20.000 per product.
- affordable price
- not sticky
- immidiately adsorbed into skin
- quite moisturing the skin
- strong floral scent
Visit Rumah Cantik Citra
Website: www.rumahcantikcitra.co.id
Facebook: Rumah Cantik Citra
Twitter: @CantikCitra
Wah produk Citra makin banyak ya pilihannya sekarang. Thanks for sharing the review.
Hope u enjoyed it ^^
DeleteAku suka banget sama wanginya citra yg japanese wakame ini (≧ω≦)
Kalau aku nggak trlalu. Soalnya kuat banget. Hahaha
DeleteSuka dengan japanese wakame ini karena tidak lengket.
ReplyDeleteSelain itu wanginya juga aku suka banget. :D
Halo Muda Teknologi Dunia
Iya wanginya itu lo yang saya suka. :)
DeleteIya... aku kemarin juga habis coba.... emang lembut dan wangi. :D
Deleteaku sama kakak ku juga pake japanese wakame selain karena gak lengket juga karena wanginya kita suka banget..
ReplyDeleteaku suka produk citra dari dulu sering pake..