Saya pikir Batiste Dry Shampoo sudah tidak asing lagi bagi kalian. Yup, Batiste Dry Shampoo adalah produk "pertolongan pertama" untuk kalian yang memiliki rambut cepat lepek dan berminyak agar kembali seperti habis keramas.
I think Batiste Dry Shampoo is not strange for you. Yup, Batiste Dry Shampoo is a "first aid product" for you those have oily and greasy hair and to turn it back like it had been washed.
Kenapa dibilang dry shampoo? Dengan menggunakan ini, kalian tidak perlu keramas lagi untuk mendapatkan rambut seperti habis keramas. Lol. I mean, fungsinya mirip sampo, tapi tidak pakai air. Awalnya dry shampoo ini diperuntukkan bagi ibu habis melahirkan yang tidak boleh keramas dalam waktu yang cukup lama, tapi sekarang sudah menjadi produk yang saya kira wajib bagi cewek-cewek yang rambutnya gampang lepek. Sekarang juga Batiste mengeluarkan banyak varian dry shampoo, salah satunya punyaku ini yang untuk menambah volum rambut.
Why it's called dry shampoo? By using this, you don't need to wash your hair again to get your hair like after being washed. Lol. I mean, its function is similar to shampoo, but don't use water. First time this dry shampoo is sold for mothers who has just given birth that should not washing their hair for a long time, but now has become a product that I think is important for girls that get greasy hair easily. Right now Batiste dry shampoo comes a lot of variants, one of which is mine is for adding volume to the hair.
Packagingnya mirip hair spray dengan botol bertekanan tinggi. So, jangan sampai menyimpan botolnya di tempat bertemperatur tinggi ya.
The packaging is like hair spray with high pressure bottle. So, do not store the bottle in high temperature.
Rambut saya adalah rambut yang sangat cepat lepek. BENAR BENAR CEPAT LEPEK! Bangun tidur saja sudah berminyak, makin siang makin lepek padahal tidak berkeringat. Makanya saya keramas sehari sekali pada saat sore hari.
My hair is the hair that very quickly becomes oily yet greasy. REALLY REALLY GET GREASY EASILY! It has already been greasy when wake up in the morning, then in the afternoon getting greasy although not sweating. So I wash my hair once a day on the evening.
Cara pakai dry shampoo ini sangat mudah. Pertama kocok botolnya. Kemudian spray ke rambutmu dengan jarak sekitar 30 cm sampai muncul warna putih. Kemudian gosok-gosok dengan tanganmu (tangan yang bersih, tidak berkeringat) atau sisir sampai warna putihnya menghilang.
How to use the dry shampoo is very easy. First, shake the bottle. Then just spray it on your hair with the nozzle about 30 cm from the hair until appear the white. Then rub with your hands (clean hands, not sweating one) or brush your hair until the white disappears.
How to use the dry shampoo is very easy. First, shake the bottle. Then just spray it on your hair with the nozzle about 30 cm from the hair until appear the white. Then rub with your hands (clean hands, not sweating one) or brush your hair until the white disappears.
Hasilnya, TIDAK BERMINYAK LAGI! Saya suka banget dengan hasilnya. Benar-benar seperti habis keramas. Spraynya juga wangi, seperti coklat? Vanila? No idea.
The result is, NOT MORE GREASY AND OILY HAIR! I really like the result. Really like my hair has been washed before. The spray also smells really good, like chocolate? Vanilla? No idea.
The result is, NOT MORE GREASY AND OILY HAIR! I really like the result. Really like my hair has been washed before. The spray also smells really good, like chocolate? Vanilla? No idea.
Ada beberapa hal yang menganggu sih, rambut saya menjadi seperti keset, tidak halus. Untuk menambah volume rambut, saya harus menyemprotkan lebih banyak lagi sehingga rambut saya menjadi sedikit kaku, walaupun tidak sekaku penggunaan mousse. Terkadang juga meninggalkan gumpalan seperti ketombe walau tidak banyak. Bisa kamu hilangan dengan mudah dengan menyisirnya.
There are several things that lil bit disturbing, my hair becomes like squeaky, not smooth. To increase the volume of my hair, I have to spray more and make my hair becomes a little stiff, although not as stiff as using hair mousse. Sometime also leaves some lumps like dandruff, although not too much. You can easily get rid em with brushing your hair.
There are several things that lil bit disturbing, my hair becomes like squeaky, not smooth. To increase the volume of my hair, I have to spray more and make my hair becomes a little stiff, although not as stiff as using hair mousse. Sometime also leaves some lumps like dandruff, although not too much. You can easily get rid em with brushing your hair.
Tapi, sejauh ini saya sangat puas sekali. Masalah lepek pada rambut tidak menjadi masalah besar lagi. Males banget kan kalau lagi ada pesta, rambut lepek terus jatuh di muka. Ergh, tidak nyaman sekali.
But, so far I am very satisfied. My greasy hair problem is not a big problem anymore. Really sucks when you have a party, the hair becomes greasy and touch your face. Ergh, not comfortable feeling.
Harganya saya lupa. Sekitar Rp 170.000an.
I forget the price. Around IDR 170.000.
- affordable (although I know it's much pricier than it's origin country)
- easy to use
- really makes the hair becomes not greasy
- smells good
- give a bit volumizing
- too squeaky, makes the hair not smooth
- sometime leaves some excess
wah, aku udah coba dan kurang aku rekomendasiin sih
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