Tuesday, September 23, 2014

L'OREAL Youth Code Serum Intense

Halo girls! Tidak terasa September akan berakhir yah. Dan tidak berasa juga kalau saya sudah memerangi masalah wajah saya sudah berapa lama. Lol. Kabar baik untuk saya bahwa... wajah saya sudah mulai mendekati tipe normal dari yang awalnya berminyak! Yipe! Saya sudah menggunakan beberapa produk dan hasilnya wajah saya pun mulai membaik. Mulai dari jerawat yang sudah jarang muncul (bahkan ketika menstruasi jerawat muncul, tapi tidak seekstrim biasanya), bekas jerawat mulai berkurang, pori-pori lumayan mengecil dan yang terpenting wajah saya jadi jarang berminyak walau udara panas banget. Masalah utama tetap pada tekstur wajah saya yang agak bopeng karena dulu saya suka memencet jerawat dengan jari yang tidak bersih. Please, saya pengen banget ada produk ajaib yang bisa hilangkan bekas jerawat bopeng dengan cepat.
Hello girls! September will end as well. And it's just like a while, also just like a while for me for fighting with my face problems. Lol. The good news for me that... my face is starting to become normal skin from oily skin! Yipe! I've been using some of products and the result of my face is starting to be better. Start from my acne that has already rarely appeared (even when my period, my acne still appears, but not as extreme as usual), my acne scars become minimize, pores become tighter, and most importantly my face becomes rarely greasy even when the weather is hot. The main problem remains is the texture of my face, somewhat pockmarked face, because I used to love squeezing pimples with my unclean fingers. Please, I really want to have a magical product that can get rid my pocked-acne scars quickly.

Salah satu produk yang saya gunakan adalah serum Loreal dari drugstore Amerika. Saya meyakini serum ini juga membawa perubahan untuk wajah saya karena saya juga menggunakannya rutin.
One of the facial products that I use is Loreal serum from US drugstore. I believe this serum also brought changes to my face because I also use it regularly.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How I Deal with My Morning Hair

This post is inspired by CASPER (caspersleep.com)

Mooooooooooorrrning! Well, maybe it's not morning for some of you, but who's care? Lol. Casper is a new mattress company that just started in April and, depending on how comfortable your mattress is, it is easy to wake up with terrible bed head. Okay, let's talk about morning hair. Our hair can be like out-of-control frizz, untamable tress-mess, or mangled tangles because we never know what kind of kung fu we did until we find out what heck our hair becomes. 

Some of us can be sexy with morning hair. No, I didn't say that I'm included to that group. Lol. But, I mean, girls, are you really want to have that look for going outside? Maybe it will be sexier for photo session, not for going out because you will look more like, someone depressed.

Let I show you my morning hair. These photos are really be taken on the morning.

Uuu, see my sexy pimples? XD

Sunday, September 14, 2014

LANEIGE BB Cushion Pore Control "No. 21 Natural Beige"

Saya sempat berpikir setelah menemukan produk ini, kenapa saya telat mengetahui ada produk sebagus ini? Masih berhubungan dengan masalah pori-pori besar di wajah saya, dan kalian tahu saya sebelumnya mereview produk 3CE Pore Silky Balm, saya selama ini sangat gigih mencari produk untuk membuat tampilan pori-pori berkurang. Akhirnya, taraaaahhhhh, saya akan mereviewnya sekarang. Sayang sekali saya tidak membeli refillnya karena awalnya saya takut tidak cocok, tapi sekarang saya menyesal.
I was thinking after found this product, why I'm that late to know there is a product as good as this one? Still relate with the large pores problem on my face, and you know my previous review of  3CE Pore Silky Balm product, I've been very persistent to search for products to make pores look less visible. Finally, taraaaahhhhh, I will review it now. Too bad I didn't buy the refill because I was afraid it won't work well on my skin, but now I regret.

Saya memilih shade 21, yaitu natural beige. Saya mendapat refensi shade ini dari video Michelle Phan, Youtube Makeup Guru.
I chose shade 21, natural beige. I got the reference from Michelle Phan's video, a Youtube Makeup Guru.

Monday, September 1, 2014

3CE (3 CONCEPT EYES) Pore Silky Balm Silky

Welcome September! Kinda late, but ya, seperti biasa saya akan mereview kembali sebuah produk yang menjadi current fave saya, yaitu 3CE Pore Silky Balm. Saya memiliki pori-pori wajah yang cukup besar, jadi saya butuh banget produk yang bisa mengurangi tampilan pori-pori di wajah saya.
Welcome September! Kinda late, but ya, as usual I will review a product that became my current fave, the 3CE Pore Silky Balm. I have big enough pores, so I really need a product that can reduce the appearance of the pores on my face.


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