Sunday, June 29, 2014

PARAMARTASPA Lime & Tea Tree Anti Acne 2 in 1 Cleanser

Post terakhir untuk bulan ini. Ah, what a tiring June. Kali ini saya akan mereview produk yang saya dapat dari event Launching Cosmekita. Produk ini berasal dari dalam negeri tercinta, Bali. Produk bernama Paramartaspa Lime & Tea Tree Anti Acne 2 in 1 Cleanser ini berfungsi sebagai masker dan cleanser. Setahu saya lime dan tea tree sendiri adalah kandungan umum obat jerawat. Karena tipe kulit saya mudah berjerawat, jadi saya sangat excited ingin mencoba produk ini.
Last post for this month. Ah, what a tiring June. This time I will review a product that I got from Cosmekita Launching event. This product comes from my beloved country, Bali. Products that named Paramartaspa Lime & Tea Tree Anti Acne Cleanser 2 in 1 has functions as mask and cleanser. Lime and tea tree is a common ingredient for curing acne. Because I have acne-prone skin, so I'm very excited to try this product.

Di web Paramartaspa dituliskan produk ini mengandung tea tree oil yang merupakan antibacterial alami, saat digunakan pada kulit akan menghancurkan bakteri penyebab jerawat. Tea Tree lebih lembut dibanding benzoyl peroxide, yang banyak digunakan dalam produk anti jerawat, meski mengatasi jerawat sedikit lebih lama dibanding benzoyl peroxide, tapi tidak mengelupaskan kulit dan tidak menimbulkan rasa terbakar. Kandungan lime yang kaya akan vitamin C membantu mengatasi minyak berlebih, mencerahkan dan mengatasi bekas jerawat.
On Paramartaspa web have been written this product contains tea tree oil which is a natural antibacterial and can kill bacteria that cause acne. Tea Tree is more delicate benzoyl peroxide, which is commonly used in anti-acne products, although it needs a little time longer to rid the acne than benzoyl peroxide, but not flake off the skin and doesn't cause burning. The lime is rich in vitamin C and help to rid excess oil, brighten and get rid the acne scars.

Teksturnya seperti bubuk belerang. Ada butiran oat juga di dalamnya. Bubuknya sangat wangi, seperti wangi susu, jeruk nipis, vanila, tea tree oil dan lainnya yang tidak bisa saya gambarkan dengan baik. Hahaha. Intinya wangi banget.
The texture is like powdered sulfur. There're also grain of oats in it. Smells really good, such as scent of milk, lime, vanilla, tea tree oil and others scent that I can't describe em well. Hahaha. The main point is, it smells really good.

Saya cukup bingung cara pemakaiannya karena tidak diberikan kertas petunjuk. Jadi saya eksperimen sendiri dengan mencampurkan bubuknya dengan air mawar.
I'm quite confused about how to use it because I didn't get the instruction paper. So I did experiment by mixing the powder with rose water.

Saya mencampur bubuk dengan air mawar 3:1.
I mixed the powder and the rose water with ratio 3:1.

Aduk sampai rata dan oleskan ke wajah. Diamkan sampai agak kering baru lakukan exfoliating untuk membuang sel kulit mati. Jika agak susah digosok, basahi tangan dengan air terlebih dahulu.
Stir until well blended and apply to face. Allow it to dry and after that do exfoliating to get rid the dead skin cells. If a bit hard to exfoliate, wet your hands with water first.

Harganya IDR 178.000 untuk satu paket Paramartaspa Lime & Tea Tree Anti Acne 2 in 1 Cleanser yang terdiri dari: 2 in 1 cleanser powder (100 gram), Face Spray (60ml), 1 spatula, 1 wadah cleanser powder, dan 1 panduan pemakaian produk yang dikemas dalam gift box beralas satin yang mewah.
The price is IDR 178,000 for a package of Paramartaspa Lime & Tea Tree Anti Acne Cleanser 2 in 1 consists of: 2 in 1 cleanser powder (100 grams), Face Spray (60ml), 1 spatula, 1 container of cleanser powder, and 1 product usage guide packaged in a luxurious satin gift box.


  • super relaxing and nice scent
  • natural ingredients
  • double up as masker and cleanser (exfoliator)
  • tighten my skin


  • a bit pricey for local and natural product
  • doesn't work to my acnes

Facebook: Paramarta Spa
Twitter: @paramartaSPA
Line: paramartaspa
SMS/WA: 081805484242
Pin BB: 76B89F77


  1. waaa.. jadi pengen coba jugaa..
    muka ku sekarang lagi jerawatan, bruntusan, parah deh :( sampe stress nich.

    btw aku udah follow blog kamu ya dear :)
    mind to follow back?

    1. samaaaaa, apalagi kalo masuk periodddd.. horrorrrr

      uda aku follow ya Ni. Nice to know u^^

  2. suka sama produk alami kayak gini. thanks for the review!




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