Saturday, June 7, 2014

ANASTASIA BEVERLY HILLS Brow Wiz Skinny Brow Pencil "Ash Blonde"

Brow and brow again! Yup, bagi yang mengikuti blog saya pasti tau kan bagaimana alis saya kalo lagi bare face. Lol. Almost kebotakan dini. Saya selalu cari-cari warna brow pencil yang cocok dengan saya mulai dari brown, dark grey dan black, tapi belum ada yang cocok ke saya (atau saya tidak bisa memakainya. Lol) karena alis saya kayak Shinchan jadinya.
Brow and brow again! Yup, for those who follow my blog certainly know so well how my eyebrows when my face bare. Lol. Almost bald. I've always been looking for shade of brow pencil that is suit on me, started from brown, dark gray and black, but there's no shade that suit on me so well (or I can not use it. Lol) because my eyebrows will like Shinchan.

Kebetulan Anastasia Beverly Hills lagi booming banget kan, jadi penasaran. Saya mencoba beli yang Brow Wiz Skinny Brow Pencil shade Ash Blonde karena saya lebih suka alis dengan warna light.
Lately Anastasia Beverly Hills is really booming, and it makes me so curious. I tried to buy the Brow Wiz Skinny Brow Pencil shade Ash Blonde because I prefer my brow with light colors.

Brow pencil ini terdiri dari dua sisi, yang satu adalah brow pencilnya dan sisi lainnya adalah brow brushnya.
This brow pencil comes with two side, one side is the brow pencil and other side is brow brush.

Bagian yang pendek adalah brushnya.
The shorter side is the brush.

Bagian panjangnya adalah brow pencilnya.
The longer side is the brow pencil.

Why it's called skinny brow pencil?? Bisa kalian lihat isinya benar-benar kecil. Dengan ukuran sekecil ini, sangat gampang untuk melakukan feathery stroke yang bikin alis natural, cuma memang agak makan waktu untuk menggambar alis karena memang brow pencil ini super skinny.
Why it's called skinny brow pencil?? You can see it's really skinny. With such skinny size, it's very easy to do feathery stroke that can make natural eyebrow, but it's lil bit taking much time to draw eyebrows because it's super skinny brow pencil.

Swatch time. Teksturnya seperti krayon dan buildable
Swatch time. The texture is like crayon and buildable.

Sejauh ini saya suka banget dengan brow pencil ini. Warnanya sangat pas untuk saya (akhirnya). Staying powernya juga top. Saya seharian menggunakan di kampus, pas pulang belum luntur.
So far I really like this brow pencil. The shade is suit for me (finally). Staying power is really good as well. I use all day long on school, and not fade even while I arrived at home.

Harganya di Sephora $21.
The price is $21 at Sephora.

  • perfect shade for me
  • comes with brow brush
  • very skinny so it's easy to be used
  • because it's skinny, can define brow naturally
  • staying power is really good

  • pricey


  1. beli di sephora mana? kmrn tanya di singapore ndak masuk anastasia beverly hills... thanks ya! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Aduh maaf aku lupa >,< uda lama belinya. cari di olshop deh



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