Hi beauties, bagi kalian yang tau kalau saya pernah ikut Launching Event Cosmekita, waktu itu juga Japan Softlens membagikan softlens kepada pada blogger sebagai tanda terima kasih. Saya mendapatkan yang Ageha Midnight Black. Saya sejak dulu penasaran banget sama softlens dari Japan Softlens karena selalu mendapat review baik terutama dari tingkat kenyamanannya dari bloggers atau customers.
Hi beauties, for those who know that I've participated Cosmekita Launching Event, that time Japan Softlens also gave contact lens to the blogger for gratitude. I got the Ageha Midnight Black. I had always been curious with lenses from Japan Softlens because it always gets good reviews, especially from the comfort level from the bloggers or customers.
Oh ya, setiap kali kalian membeli softlens dari Japan Softlens, kalian akan mendapatkan pulpen berbentuk lipstick yang lucu dan mirip asli banget loh.
Oh ya, every time you purchased the lens from Japan Softlens, you will get a cute lipstick-shaped pen and very similar to the original one.
Kotaknya sangat girly, berwarna pink dengan dekorasi girly.
The packaging is really girly, pink-colored with girly decoration.
Apa aja yang kalian peroleh dalam satu pack ini? Di dalamnya ada tempat softlens, petunjuk pemakaian, dan tentu sepasang softlensnya.
What will you get in this pack? There are lens case, guide paper, and of course a pair of lens.
Petunjuknya dalam bahasa Jepang.
The guide is in Japanese language.
Apakah kalian tahu salah satu kelebihan softlens dari Japan Softlens ini adalah kamu nggak perlu merendam softlens ini semalaman sebelum dipakai. Jadi cukup dibilas dan bisa dipakai hari itu juga.
Do you know one of the advantages of lenses from Japan Softlens is you don't need to soak it overnight before wearing the contact lenses. Just rinsed them as well enough and can be used within the same day.
Name: Midnight Black (0S2)
Color: Black
Diameter: 14,5 mm
Softlens ini super tipis. Desainnya pun natural. Japan Softlens mengklaim bahwa Japan Softlens bisa digunakan 12 jam tanpa tetes mata dan sangat nyaman. Japan Softlens juga melalui empat kali test laboratorium dan menggunakan bahan-bahan terbaik dan diakui FDA (Food & Drugs Administration) di Amerika. Japan Softlens menggunkan metode cast moduling, yang membuat oksigen mengalir lancar di mata.
This lens is super thin. The design is also natural. Japan Softlens claims that their lenses can be used 12 hours without lens water and very comfortable. Japan Softlens lenses also through four times laboratory and using the best materials and approved by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) in United States. Japan Softlens uses cast moduling method, which makes the oxygen flowing smoothly on the eye.
Detail |
Ketika dipakai, nyaman luar biasa. Nggak ada rasa ganjel-ganjel di mata seperti pemakaian softlens biasa. Agak susah menempel dengan mata karena softlens ini tipis. Softlens ini memberikan efek membesarkan mata. Softlens ini sangat cocok untuk kalian yang ingin tampil dolly dan innocent look karena warna hitamnya memberikan kesan yang deep. Softlens ini tidak bergeser-geser walau kita mengedipkan mata atau melihat ke mana saja. Benar sekali, menggunakan softlens ini tidak perlu sering-sering tetes mata karena mata tidak terasa kering. Kalau pakai softlens biasa seharian tanpa tetes mata, biasanya saraf-saraf di bola mataku akan memerah.
When wear the lens, it feels really comfortable. There's no irritating sense on my eye like usual contact lenses. It's lil bit difficult to attach the lens to the eye because the lens is super thin. This lens gives larger eye effect. This contact lens is suitable for you who want to have dolly and innocent look because the black color gives deep impression to the eye. This lens doesn't move although we blink or look everywhere. That's right, it doesn't need to use lens water because the eye doesn't feel dry. If you wear usual contact lenses all day without eye drops, usually the nerves in my eyes will turn reddish.
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Excuse the white residues on my hair. They're from hair spray T-T |
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Excuse the white residues on my hair. They're from hair spray T-T |
Harganya Rp 178.000.
The price is IDR 178.000.
- reasonable price
- comes with a very cute lipstick pen
- comes with lens case
- very thin so doesn't feel irritating
- very comfy, no need lens water when be used
- makes the eyes larger, can be used for dolly or innocent look
Another Lens??
Instagram: Japan Softlens
HP: 081807909033
PIN: 25A8140C
Line: YuliaLusiana
あー可愛い(^^)Nice review Queen :)
Deleteありがとうね ♪
setelah dipakai, penyimpanannya juga harus direndam cairan softlenssnya gak mbak, atau hanya perlu ditetesi dan ditaruh saja??mksih :D
ReplyDeleteTentu harus Kak :) harus direndam abis pakai. cuma pas dipake, kalo aku sih nggak pernah netes2 mata lg. Hehehe. Nggak berasa kering
DeleteKadaluarsa ny brp lm??
ReplyDelete6 bulan, dear :)