Friday, November 27, 2015

ELISE Premium Lashes 830

Aku termasuk pecinta bulu mata walau jarang pakainya. Hehehe. Jadi, kalau ada model bulu mata bagus, pasti langsung kalap dan beli. Sama seperti Elise Premium Lashes 830 ini. Aku suka banget sama modelnya, jadi aku beli.
I'm a fake lashes lover, although I'm super rarely to wear them. Hehehe. So, if there's pretty design fake lashes, I'll buy it directly. Like this Elise Premium Lashes in 830. I'm falling in love with the design, so I bought it without doubt.

Yang ini dari seri Premium Lashes Collection. Kata si BA, bulu mata dari koleksi ini disebut premium karena desainnya beda, terdiri dari dua lapis bulu mata.
This one is from Premium Lashes Collection. As the BA said, this collection is called as premium one because the design is different, comes with two layers of lashes.

Setau aku, bulu mata Elise hadir dengan packaging warna hitam. Tapi yang kali ini putih.
As I know, Elise lashes come with black packaging. But this time is white.

Tempat bulu matanya dilindungi penutup mika.
The lashes container is covered by mica.

Lihat desainnya bagus banget. Aku suka perpaduan panjang dan pendek bulu matanya dilengkapi dengan aksen silang menyilang.
See the beautiful design. I do love the combination between the short and long lash with the criss-cross lashes.

Bahan bulu matanya sepertinya sintetis tapi tidak terlalu mengilap.
The lashes seem made from synthetic hair but not too shiny.

Bulu mata ini terdiri dari dua lapis bulu mata.
This lashes come with two layers lashes.

Bulu mata ini memberi kesan menambah panjang bulu mata juga volum.
This lashes seems adding length of the lashes also the volume.

Walau bulu matanya dua lapis, tidak terasa terlalu berat.
Although the lashes are two layers, not too heavy on my eyes though.

Walau nggak terlalu glamor, aku nggak yakin ini bisa dipakai untuk daily.
Although it's not too glamour, I don't think this lashes can be for daily use.

Harganya sekitar Rp 40.000.
The price is around IDR 40.000.

  • affordable
  • very beautiful design
  • adding length and volume of lashes as well
  • comes with two layers of lashes
  • not too heavy

  • NONE :D

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