Monday, August 10, 2015

[VIDEO] My Lip Product Collection

Yeah, I'm so productive making video right now. Guess what? I'm waiting my sidang (thesis examination) schedule, so I have pretty much time to make some videos for you, all my readers!

I've waited so long to have super long spare time like now so I can make some videos for my Youtube channel. I know, my videos quality aren't yet that good, but I've tried my best for you guys. I don't have studio for shooting, so I don't have any good lighting here, depends how good God gives the lighting that day. Lol. Although I'm not a professional cameraman or editor, I did this video my myself from producing to editing.

Speaking of about the lighting, the newest video on my blog is about my lip product collection, so I want you to understand the shade can be different because of the lighting. You can compare the shade with the picture on my blog post or other beauty blogger friends. In this video, I didn't use any filters, just room light and natural light.

I have some lip product, but not that a lot to show off. Pf, lol. But, all of this colors are my fave, obviously if I'm not, why I bought em :v

I wear the color depend what look I create, my outfit, and my mood. I also share my lipstick with my mom and sists because I rarely wear lipstick though, so I ask em to help me finish off the lipstick before the expired date. Lol. But, I love lipstick whatever the reason is.

"Your make up has melted! And, look, your eyeliner has transfered on your lower lid!"

Yes! It was! Honestly
Hahaha. You know, I shot the opening of the video with my make up freshly done. But, unfortunately, the battery was low. So, I must wait about 1-2 hours again to shoot the other scenes. I forgot to touch up, so yeah, everything melted out. About the eyeliner, I worn the cheap one. Lol.

I have some dilemma what language I want to use. I do love Indonesia, but I also want my international friends can understand what I'm talking about. So ya, the video is campur-campur between Indonesia and English. Lol. Enjoy!

Btw, I've linked the complete review on my blog of these lipsticks also on the description box. So, you can figure out the color (because the different of lighting), texture, etc.


  1. EM sama NYX shadenya cakep banget.. ><
    Nice post Qwn! :D

    1. Iya, my fave EM sh selama ini. NYX terlalu gonjreng buat dipake kemana-mana kalo ga pesta
      Makasih Anyesss uda mampirrr



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