Sebenarnya saya tidak terlalu suka menggunakan sabun batangan karena alasan higienitas. Tapi @allnatural_soap mengirimkan saya sabun mereka dan akhirnya membuat saya menjadi suka dengan sabun batangan. Serius loh! Apalagi sabun ini dari bahan-bahan alami dan homemade, jadi tidak akan seperti sabun biasa. Sabun biasa cenderung membuat kulit kita kering, sedangkan sabun dari All Natural Soap ini tidak membuat kulit kering karena mengandung beberapa essential oil.
Actually I don't really like to use bar soap due hygiene problem. But @allnatural_soap sent me their soap and finally make me like the soap bar. Seriously! Moreover, these soap are made from natural ingredients and homemade, so they won't be like regular soap. Regular soap tends to make the skin dry, but the soap from All Natural Soap doesn't make skin dry because it contains some essential oils.
Saya dikirimkan varian Chocolate dan Green Tea (keduanya adalah favorit saya). Green Tea merupakan produk best seller dari All Natural Soap.
I've been sent variant Chocolate and Green Tea (both are my favorites). Green Tea is the best seller of All Natural Soap.
Ketika menerima sabun ini, saya langsung bernostalgia dulu ketika SMA juga pernah membuat sabun dari minyak jelantah ketika pelajaran Kimia. Tentunya sabun dari All Natural Soap ini kualitas dan tampilannya lebih bagus dari pada sabun karya saya dulu. Hahaha. Kemudian, wanginya sangat lembut dan saya percaya sabun ini tidak menggunakan pewangi buatan yang biasanya menyengat.
When received this soap, I instantly nostalgic with the day on high school when students were asked to make soap from used-cooking oil on chemistry lesson. Surely All Natural Soap's soap has better in quality and the appearance than mine. Hahaha. Then the soap has soft scent and I believe this soap doesn't use artificial fragrances that are usually sting.
Pertama saya akan mereview yang varian Chocolate. Sebagai pecinta coklat, cukup menciumnya saja sudah rasanya ingin memakan sabun ini. Wangi coklatnya lembut dan ingin rasanya terus-terusan menciumnya.
First I will review the variant Chocolate. For chocolate lovers, just sniff it, you will want to eat this soap. The chocolate scent is way soft and I can't stop to sniff it.
First I will review the variant Chocolate. For chocolate lovers, just sniff it, you will want to eat this soap. The chocolate scent is way soft and I can't stop to sniff it.
Manfaat dari sabun coklat ini adalah:
- Melindungi kulit dari polusi dan alkohol
- Mencegah kulit terbakar
- Anti penuaan
- Mengangkat sel kulit mati
- Menghaluskan kulit
- Protects skin from pollution and alcohol
- Prevent sunburn
- Anti-aging
- Remove dead skin cells
- Smoothing skin
Kemudian lanjut ke green tea. Saya selalu menikmani wangi green tea dan sabun ini memiliki wangi green tea yang sangat lembut. Sabun ini juga terdapat potongan-potongan daun teh hijau asli.
Then green tea. I always enjoy the scent of green tea and soap that has soft green tea scent. This soap is also contained pieces of real green tea leaves.
Then green tea. I always enjoy the scent of green tea and soap that has soft green tea scent. This soap is also contained pieces of real green tea leaves.
Fungsi sabun green tea ini adalah:
- Kaya akan antioksidan
- Membuat kulit lebih segar
- Melindungi kulit dari sinar UV
- Meredakan inflammasi akibat jerawat
- Mencerahkan
- Mengurangi resiko kanker kulit
- Mengangkat sel kulit mati
- Melembabkan
Benefits of this green tea soap are:
- Rich in antioxidants
- Makes the skin fresh
- Protect the skin from UV rays
- Relieves inflammation that caused by acne
- Brighten
- Reduce the risk of skin cancer
- Remove dead skin cells
- Moist the skin
Busa yang dihasilkan tidak terlalu melimpah. Sabun ini jika dibilas tidak akan meninggalkan rasa licin di kulit. Saya sangat menikmati detik-detik menggunakan sabun ini karena wanginya yang sangat saya suka. Sehabis mandi, kulit menjadi lembab, terasa lebih halus dan cerah.
The foam isn't too abundant. If it's rinsed, it won't leave that slippery feel on skin. I really enjoy every single moment using this soap because of the scnet that I do really like. After bathing, the skin becomes moist, feels smoother and brighter.
The foam isn't too abundant. If it's rinsed, it won't leave that slippery feel on skin. I really enjoy every single moment using this soap because of the scnet that I do really like. After bathing, the skin becomes moist, feels smoother and brighter.
Owner All Natural Soap sebenarnya tidak terlalu merekomendasikan sabun ini untuk dipakai di wajah walau sebenarnya aman-aman saja untuk digunakan. Kulit wajah tidak sama dengan kulit di badan, jadi cocok-cocokan.
The owner of All Natural Soap isn't really recommend this soap for facial wash even though it's safe to use. Facial skin isn't same as body skin, so it really depends on everyone skin.
The owner of All Natural Soap isn't really recommend this soap for facial wash even though it's safe to use. Facial skin isn't same as body skin, so it really depends on everyone skin.
Selain untuk dipakai sendiri, menurut saya sabun ini cocok banget untuk dijadikan suvenir ulang tahun atau pernikahan.
Beside for self-use, I think this soap really suitable for birthday or wedding souvenirs.
Harganya Rp 16.000 per batang.
The price is IDR 16.000 per bar.
- affordable
- natural ingredients
- doesn't make skin dry
- relaxing scent
All Natural Soap
IG: @allnatural_soap
Line: pretty_olivia
Sms/wa: 082211201000
relaks banget mandi dgn aroma green tea >.< mauuu hahaha
Iya setuju :)