Wednesday, April 1, 2015

MILANI Color Statement Lipstick "Flamingo Pose"

Halo beauty lovers, sebelumnya saya mau minta maaf dulu untuk ketidakkonsistenan warna lipstik di yang akan saya review kali ini di foto. Kamera saya terkadang susah menangkap warna neon, jadi warnanya terlihat sedikit berbeda di setiap pencahayaan. Tapi bagaimana pun, warna lipstik ini sangat-sangat bagus! Saya berani jamin!
Hello beauty lovers, I want to apologize you first for the inconsistencies color of the lipstick that I will be reviewed this time in my photos. My camera is sometimes difficult to capture neon color, so the color looks a little bit different in each lighting. But regardless, this lipstick color is very, very beautiful! I bet you!

Berawal dari rasa penasaran saya dengan lipstik YSL 52 Rosy Coral, saya mulai mencari dupe warna itu karena kita semua tahu, lipstik itu sering sangat langka karena menjadi world wide best seller. Tidak cuma karena langka, tapi harganya juga mahal untuk level pelajar seperti saya. Jadi, why not to find the dupe?
Starting from my curiosity with YSL 52 Rosy Coral lipstick, I started looking for a dupe color of it because we all know, it's being very rare lipstick since become world-wide best seller. Not only because it's rare, but the price is too expensive for the students like me. So, why not to find the dupe?

Akhirnya saya menemukan Milani Color Statement Lipstick ini dan dia memiliki shade Flamingo Pose yang warnanya cukup mendekati YSL 52 menurut saya.
Finally I found Milani Lipstick Color statement and it has Flamingo Pose as the color shade that close enough to YSL 52 according to me.

Warna lipstik ini bisa kita langsung lihat dari bagian paling bawah lipstik.
The color of this lipstick can be seen directly from the bottom part of the lipstick.

Kamera saya sulit menangkap warna yang sebenarnya, tetapi warnanya kurang lebih seperti ini. Jangankan kamera saya, saya sendiri sulit mendeskripsikan warna lipstik ini dalam satu kata. Lipstik ini merupakan campuran warna coralish pink dengan hint of neon. Neon coralish pink or whatever it's called, yang jelas warna lipstik ini sangat cantik.
My camera was a bit hard to capture the real color, but the color more or less is like this. Not only my camera, me myself is really hard to figure out what the color of this lipstick in one word. This lipstick is the mixture of coralish pink color with a hint of neon. Coralish neon pink or whatever it's called, regardless the color of  this lipstick is really pretty.

Teksturnya cukup creamy dan warnanya langsung keluar sekali swatch. Ada wangi seperti melon yang sangat manis.
The texture is quite creamy and the color pay-off is really out in one swatch. There's honeydew scent that's really sweet.

Outdoor Light

Indoor Light

So excited bukan untuk melihat swatchnya di bibir? Here we go!
So excited to see the swatch on the lips? Here we go!

Di beberapa foto, mungkin hint of neon-nya kurang kelihatan ya.
In some photos, maybe the hint of neon of this lipstick is less visible.

Outdoor Light

Outdoor Light

Outdoor Light

Outdoor Light

Indoor Light

Outdoor Light
Outdoor Light

Indoor Light
Indoor Light
Indoor Light

Tentu saja lipstik ini bisa kalian gunakan secara full lips atau Korean-stylegradient lips.
Of course you can use this lipstick full lips or Korean-style gradient lips.

Lipstik ini menjadi favorit saya sekarang. Hehehe. Warnanya cakep banget, tahan lama dan tidak membuat bibir kering. Ketika dibersihkan meninggalkan stain yang sangat susah dibersihkan walau menggunakan make up remover.
This lipstick is being my favorite right now. Hehehe. The color is really beautiful, long lasting and doesn't make the lips dry. When I clean it up, it leaves stain that is really hard to clean up even using makeup remover.

Harganya di Indonesia sekitar Rp 90.000an.
The price in Indonesia is around IDR 90.000.

  • affordable
  • the color is really beautiful (neon coralish pink)
  • creamy and glides quite smooth
  • long lasting
  • sweet scent

  • leave stain that really hard to be removed


  1. Warnanya fresh banget ke muka jadi seger :)

  2. Aaaaa.. Mirip banget sama YSL yang dipakek Cara Delevingne! :D
    Bagus ya hasilnya.. Aku suka.. :3

  3. Pretty color 💗.
    Warna pink coral gitu biking muka keliatan seger :).


  4. That's great colour... Beli dimana?



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