Saya yakin hampir 100% dari kita para wanita paling sebal kalo rambutnya lepek, berminyak, iew. Tapi kebayang nggak sih, ketika lagi ada acara atau mau foto, udah nggak ada waktu buat keramas apa lagi blow rambut? Yah, I know it is... suck.
I'm sure almost 100% of us ladies hate if our hair becomes greasy, oily, iew. But can you imagine that, when there's an event or you have to take any photo, no time to wash your hair even blow your hair? Well, I know it is ... suck.
Sekarang sudah ada solusi untuk mendapatkan hasil rambut seperti sehabis keramas-tapna keramas secara instan. Mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi ya dengan dry shampoo? Kamu bisa memakai dry shampoo tanpa perlu dikeramas, seriously, efisien banget buat kalian yang rambutnya lepek dan tidak ada waktu untuk keramas.
Now there's a solution to get after-shampooing hair without shampooing instantly. Probably you've been already familiar with dry shampoo right? You can use dry shampoo without wash your hair, seriously, really efficient for you that having greasy hair and have no time to wash it.
Biasanya dry shampoo hadir dalam bentuk seperti spray, tapi dry shampoo yang mau saya review kali ini berbentuk bedak tabur dan 100% produk Indonesia.
Usually dry shampoo comes in spray, but this time the dry shampoo that I'll be reviewed is in powder and 100% of Indonesian product.
Dearest owner @sweetpeadryshampoo_id memberikan saya kesempatan untuk mencoba produk dry shampoo mereka. How lucky I am because mereka memberikan salah satu varian terbaru dari produk mereka yaitu Classic Matcha. Ya, I'm matcha lover and all about green tea. Selain Classic Matcha, ada varian terbaru mereka yang lain yaitu Vanilla Blossom. Untuk varian lain ada Romantic Rose, Sweet Lavender, Fresh Orange, Chocolate dan Cooling Mint. Uuu really want try em all!
Dearest owner of @sweetpeadryshampoo_id gave me a chance to try their dry shampoo product. How lucky I am because they gave one of the latest variant of their products, Classic Matcha. Ya, I'm matcha lover and all about green tea. Besides Classic Matcha, there is other variant of their latest product, that is Vanilla Blossom. There're other variant like Romantic Rose, Sweet Lavender, Fresh Orange, Chocolate and Cooling Mint. Uuu really want try em all!