Woohoo, another maskara Maybelline nih! Pasti kalian sudah pernah dengar Falsies Mascara dari Maybelline ini?? I'm wondering kenapa dinamai The Falsies Mascara?? Apakah dengan menggunakan mascara ini bisa menghasilkan bulu mata yang seperti memakai bulu mata?? Oh ya, maskara ini merupakan salah satu isi dari goodies COSMEKITA pada saat event launchingnya.
Woohoo, another Maybelline mascara! Certainly you've heard about Maybelline The Falsies Mascara, haven't you?? I'm wondering why it's named The Falsies Mascara?? Is using this mascara can make our lashes like wearing fake lashes?? Oh ya, this mascara is one of the goodies from COSMEKITA when its launching event.
Brushnya agak melengkung seperti sendok.
The brush is slightly curved like spoon.
Memang tidak tertulis smudgeproof, tapi tidak salah kan melakukannya :3?? I rub my eyes as always. Well, perlu diakui maskara ini memiliki daya smudgeproof yang buruk. Tetapi masih ada daya smudgeproof walaupun nggak terlalu kuat.
That's true, it hasn't being written this mascara is smudgeproof, but it's OK to test it, right :3?? I rub my eyes as always. Well, this mascara can be said has quite bad smudgeproof power. But there's still smudgeproof power although not too strong.
Sekarang baru kita tes waterproofnya. Dialiri air sekencang apapun, maskaranya tidak memudar. Bisa dibilang maskara ini waterproof.
Now let's test the waterproof power. Although we squirt the water on it as strong as well, the mascara doesn't fade. I could say this is really waterproof mascara.
Now let's test the waterproof power. Although we squirt the water on it as strong as well, the mascara doesn't fade. I could say this is really waterproof mascara.
Saatnya membuktikan apakah maskara ini benar-benar menghasilkan bulu mata yang seperti fake lashes atau falsies?? Saya menggunakan maskaranya tanpa lash curler ya.
Time to prove whether this mascara makes our lashes such fake eyelashes or falsies?? I applied the mascara without using lash curler before.
Secara keseluruhan, saya cukup menyukai maskara ini. Kayaknya untuk volum, maskara ini nggak terlalu doing its job di bulu mata saya. Tapi untuk efek memanjangkan dengan natural, maskara ini OK. Kemudian, saya menyarankan jika memakai maskara ini sebaiknya jangan mengucek mata ya or you will have panda eyes. Untuk menggunakan maskara ini, lakukan gerakan sapuan zig zag dari pangkal bulu mata dan ditarik ke atas, sehingga semua bagian bulu mata terlapisi maskara.
Overall, I like this mascara enough. I think for the volumizing, this mascara isn't too doing its job on my eyelashes. But for the natural lengthening effect, this mascara is OK. Then, I suggest you if you use this mascara, you shouldn't rubbed your eyes or you will have panda eyes. To use this mascara, do zig zag wiggling motion start at the base and pulls straight up, so all the lashes are equally coated with mascara.
Maskara Maybelline yang ada di Indonesia baru ada enam. Volum' Express the Rocket untuk menghasilkan volum di bulu mata tanpa gumpalan. Volum' Express The Falsies untuk menghasilkan bulu mata yang mempesona secara instan. Volum' Express Hyper Curl untuk mendapatkan bulu mata yang lentik dan tebal. Volum' Express Turbo Boost Mascara untuk menghasilkan bulu mata tebal tanpa gumpalan. Volum' Express Hyper Curl Express Cat Eye untuk tebal dan lentik sempurna, hasil dramatis. Lash Stiletto untuk bulu mata lebih panjang hingga 170%
Maybelline's mascaras that being sold in Indonesia there's just six type. Volum 'Express the Rocket to create clean volume on the lashes without clumps. Volum' Express The Falsies to create fabulously glam lashes instantly. Volum 'Express Hyper Curl to create the eyelashes curl and thick. Volum 'Express Turbo Boost Mascara to create thick lashes without clumps. Volum 'Express Hyper Curl Cat Eye Express to create thick and curl, dramatic eyelash results. Lash Stiletto for longer the lashes up to 170%.
Kalian bisa melihat review saya MAYBELLINE Volum' Express Turbo Boost Mascara.
You can see my review of MAYBELLINE Volum' Express Turbo Boost Mascara.
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Source: www.maybelline.co.id |
Harganya bervariasi tergantung di mana kamu beli. Sekitar Rp 80.000-Rp 95.000.
The price is depending on where you buy it. Around Rp 80,000-Rp 95,000.
- affordable
- well designed brush
- lengthening the lashes naturally
- waterproof
- there's no volumizing effect on my lashes
- the smudgeproof power is quite bad
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