Saturday, March 22, 2014

EM COSMETICS Love Me for Me Flawless Finish Powder Compact "Natural 06"

EM Cosmetics lagi?? Of course!! I love Michelle Phan very much! Bukan karena ngefans sama Mish aja, tapi memang saya pengen tahu banget kualitas dari brand make up dia. Dan saya sendiri, I'm all about the packaging itself yang membuat bahan pertimbangan aku dalam membeli kosmetik selain dari good reviewnya. Kali ini saya akan mereview tentang pressed powdernya.
EM Cosmetics again?? Of course!! I love Michelle Phan very much! Not just because I'm a fan of Mish, but I really want to know the quality of her makeup brand. And myself, I'm all about the packaging itself as the consideration I buy cosmetics beside from the good review. This time I will review about the pressed powder.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

EM COSMETICS Love Me for Me Flawless Foundation "Nude 07"

Heiho, beautiful ladies. EM Cosmetics kan satu line dengan brand Lancome, jadi aku penasaran dengan foundienya apakah hasilnya memuaskan seperti Lancome Mat Miracle yang sampai sekarang masih menjadi favoritku? Kali ini saya akan mereview foundation EM shade Nude 07. Check em out!
Heiho, beautiful ladies. Because EM Cosmetics is one line with Lancome brand, so I'm curious with the foundie, does this give satisfying result like Lancome Mat Miracle one which is still being my favorite? This time I will review EM foundation shade Nude 07. Check em out!


Monday, March 10, 2014

COWSTYLE Shizen Gokochi Facial Soap "Green Tea" (自然ごこち ”茶”)

Nah, nah it's not chocolate or green tea leaves from Japan. Lol. Awal kemunculan produk ini juga yang membuat aku interested banget di packagingnya yang bener-bener kayak oleh-oleh dari Jepang. Ini adalah face wash dengan bentuk sabun dari Cowstyle. Bahkan belum dibuka kotaknya pun, wangi green tea sudah membuat saya ketagihan untuk menyiumnya berulang-ulang. Hands down, saya suka banget dengan green tea. Especially olahan macha, apapun itu :3
Nah, nah it's not chocolate or green tea leaves from Japan. Lol. From the early launched of this product is also makes me really interested in the packaging which is really like a souvenir from Japan. It's a face wash with soap form from Cowstyle. Even the box was unopened, the green tea scent really makes me addicted to sniff on it more and more. Hands down, I do love green tea. Especially anything processed from macha, whatever it is: 3

Friday, March 7, 2014

Kiwi Nail Art

Strawberry kayaknya udah terlalu mainstream untuk nailart buah-buahan ya. Kalian bisa mencoba kiwi sebagai nailart buah untuk kuku kalian. 
Strawberry seems already too mainstream for fruit nailart right. You can try kiwi fruit for your nailart.

ELIANTO Nail Polish "S02 Green"

Saya suka banget dengan kutek dari Elianto dan koleksi kutek saya didominasi oleh Elianto :3 Pilihan warnanya nggak umum. Misalnya warna hijaunya nggak cuma satu jenis. Tapi beraneka jenis warna hijau. Tekstur kuteknya juga bagus, mudah kering dan nggak bergelembung.
I really like Elianto nail polish and my nail polish collection is dominated by Elianto's :3 The color choices are not common. For example, the green not just one type. But various types of green color. The texture of the nail polish also good, easy to dry and not bubbly.

Saya membeli warna hijau dengan kode S02.
I bought the green one code S02.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Gyaru Wannabe 2

Kalian sudah lihat profile picture di Facebook Page saya? Huahuahua. Jika belum, ini lah picturenya. Xixixi. #pedetingkatdewa. Sebenarnya ini sudah lama banget, saya baru sempat post di blog saya.
Have you seen the profile picture on my Facebook Page? Huahuahua. If not, this's the picture. Xixixi. #slap. Actually this one has been taken for long time ago, but I've just posted it.


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