Friday, November 8, 2013

ELIANTO Nutri Remedy Nourishing Hand Cream "Melon"

Haloooo, saya muncul lagi dengan review baru. Kali ini produk Elianto lagi. Yuhuu, untuk di Indonesia memang ini masih bisa dibilang brand baru. Brand ini berasal dari negara tetangga, Malaysia, tetapi beberapa produknya diproduksi di negara Korea, dst.
Haloooo, I'm back again with a new review. This time Elianto product again. Yuhuu, in Indonesia it's still a new cosmetic brand. This brand comes from our neighbor, Malaysia, but some of its products are manufactured in Korea, etc.

Lucky me, saya menang quiz di fanpage Elianto Indonesia. Saya mendapat dua produk. Salah satunya adalah hand cream ini. Bentuknya kecil dan saya suka packagingnya yang mengingatkan saya pada bentuk packaging cat air. Produk ini travel friendly.
Lucky me, I won the quiz in Elianto Indonesia fanpage .  I got two products. One of them is this hand cream. It's small and I like the packaging that reminds me of watercolor packaging. This product is travel friendly.

See?? How cute it is?? >,<

Teksturnya seperti lotion, light banget jadi nggak lengket di tangan (serius ini nggak lengket sama sekali), very moisturizing. Ini adalah produk wajib aku pas lagi naik mobil atau kuliah karena kena AC jadi benar-benar kering tanganku. Wangi melonnya kurang berasa sih, itu saja kurangnya :(
The texture is like lotion, really light so it won't sticky on our hand (seriously, it doesn't sticky at all), very moisturizing. This is a must-bring-product when I drive car or college due the contact with aircon that make my hands dry badly. I don't smell any melon scent :(

Untuk harga saya kurang tahu, langsung saja capcus ke counter Elianto. Produk Elianto sangat terjangkau kok.
I don't really know the price, just go to Elianto counter. Elianto's products are very affordable.

  • cute packaging
  • travel friendly
  • very moisturizing
  • very light hand cream, not sticky

  • I don't smell any melon scent :(

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