Sunday, November 17, 2013

BONNE BELL Gel Bronze "Golden Tan"

Hi folks, kayaknya udah lama banget ya nggak posting apa-apa lagi. Bulan ini UTS, jadi lumayan padat lah. Sekarang menyempatkan diri untuk review lagi.
Hi folks, I think I took a very long time without posting anything on my blog. I have mid semester test, so I'm lil bit busy. So, as I have time, I'm back to review again.

Jika kalian mengikuti blog saya, sebelumnya saya pernah review ELF Baked Bronzer "Maui". Dan saya memang lagi tergila-gila dengan warna kulit yang healthy glowing seperti Beyonce atau Chef Farah Quinn. Memang agak terdengar aneh jika ada orang Indonesia suka tanned skin, biasa mereka lebih suka kulit yang putih. Tapi ada sebagian kecil juga yang suka dengan kulit "eksotis" itu. So, saya iseng-iseng membeli gel untuk fake tan. Hohoho. Saya ikut PO Drugstore US, dan memutuskan membeli produk dari Bonne Bell ini. Yang ini untuk digunakan di wajah.
If you're following my blog, I've ever reviewed ELF Baked Bronzer "Maui". And I'm in love with healthy glowing skin like Beyonce or Chef Farah Quinn. It's sound strange if there's Indonesian likes tanned skin, because they usually like fair skin. But there's also several Indonesian like that "exotic" skin. So, I bought this product for having fake tan. Hohoho. I joined the U.S. Drugstore Pre Order, and decided to buy this product from Bonne Bell. This one is for face.

Packagingnya biasa saja, tapi travel friendly.
The packaging is so-so, but travel friendly.

Ew, warna gelnya mengerikan. Teksturnya kayak air, bukan gel, dengan bau yang agak aneh. Harus cepat-cepat diblend biar nggak meninggalkan stain.
Ew, the color of the gel is so horrifying. The texture is supposed to be gel, but it's like watery, with weird scent. You must blend it fast so it doesn't leave the stain.

Yang cukup mengecewakan adalah.... hasilnya reddish tan, not golden tan, as I expected :( Jadi, gel ini hanya mengubah warna kulit menjadi lebih gelap (mungkin 1-2 level) tapi nggak ada efek golden tan sama sekali.
Which makes me pretty disappointing is .... the result is reddish tan, not golden tan, as I expected :( So, this gel only change skin color becomes darker (maybe 1-2 levels) but there's no golden tan effect at all.

Bagaimana swatch di wajah??
How about the swatch on my face?



Sebenarnya saya menginginkan golden tan, benar-benar golden tan. Tapi gel ini hanya menggelapkan warna kulit saja. Hahhhh.. Warna yang dihasilkan cukup rata dan natural, ya cuma itu, nggak terlihat golden tannya. OK lah. Setidaknya karena gel ini seperti stain gel, mungkin biasa digunakan untuk contour wajah atau cheek stain mungkin.
Actually I expected of a golden tan, really golden tan. But this gel is just darkening my skin color. Hahhhh .. The result is quite even and natural, but the golden tan??? OK lah. At least because this gel like stain gel, probably I can use this to contour the face or use as cheek stain as possible.

Harganya saya lupa, sekitar $3 mungkin.
I forget the price, around $3 maybe

  • affordable
  • natural even tanned skin
  • multifunction
  • easy to be cleaned
  • travel friendly

  • there's no golden tan effect
  • not interesting packaging

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