Saya adalah pecinta make up brush >.< Maka, ketika melihat make up brush yang dijual langsung saja lapar mata. Hahaha. Jadi saya membeli eyeshadow brush dari The Body Shop. Saya suka banget sama bulu brush The Body Shop karena lembut dan tentunya bukan berasal dari bulu hewan.
I'm a big fan of make-up brush >.< So, when I look at the make-up brush that being sold at counter or online, my eyes become "hungry". Hahaha. So I buy this eyeshadow brush from The Body Shop. I love The Body Shop bristle brush because it sleeks and certainly not made from animal fur.
Bulunya mirip dengan bulu yang ada di powder brush dan blush brushnya. Halusnya juga sama.
Its bristle is same with the bristle in powder brush and blush brush from The Body Shop itself. They're both sleek and soft.
Saya akan mencobanya di eyeshadow compact saya.
I tried it to my compact eyeshadow.
Setelah dioles, hasilnya agak fade.
After I applied it, the result's lil bit fade.
Sekarang saya mencoba ke creamy eyeshadow.
I tried to creamy eyeshadow.
Hasilnya lebih nyata di creamy eyeshadow. Mungkin karena struktur bulu sintesisnya yang licin dan sangat rapat, menurut saya eyeshadow brush ini lebih cocok digunakan untuk creamy eyeshadow. Sebenarnya untuk eyeshadow padat juga cocok, cuma warnanya kurang tegas. Pengaplikasiannya harus diulang-ulang sampai mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan.
The result is more intense in creamy eyeshadow. Perhaps because of the structure of synthesis bristles are slick and very close between the bristles, I think this eyeshadow brush is more suitable for creamy eyeshadow. Actually for compact eyeshadow is suitable too, but the color is less intense. Its application should be repeated until the desired results.
Harganya Rp 109.000. Lumayan mahal kalau dibandingkan dengan powder brush dan blush brushnya yang ukurannya lebih besar, tapi harganya beda tipis T_T
The price is IDR 109,000. Quite expensive when compared with the powder brush and blush brush from TBS itself that has larger size, but the price isn't that different too much T_T
- Tidak menggunakan bulu hewan ~no animal fur
- Sangat cocok untuk mengaplikasikan creamy eyeshadow ~very suitable to be used for applying creamy eyeshadow
- Ukuannya presis ~the size is precise
- Bulunya licin dan halus ~the bristles are very sleek and soft
- mahal ~pricey
Brush the body shop emg is the best ya :D
ReplyDeleteBtw, salam kenal yaaa..
Aku udah follow blog km :)
Hai Rara, salam kenal^^
DeleteMakasih udah menjadi reader dan follow blog aku
Iya, bristlesnya aku suka banget. Hihihi
Have a nice day