Tuesday, August 22, 2017

IT'S MY Lip & Eye Remover

It's My Lip & Eye Remover ini adalah pembersih makeup yang mengandung minyak dan air pembersih. Aku dapat produk ini dari Althea Korea. Kalian bisa cek videonya di sini.
This It's My Lip & Eye Remover is makeup cleanser that contains oil and water cleanser. I got this product from Althea Korea. You can check the video right here.

Selama ini aku pikir pakai facial wash cukup untuk membersihkan sisa-sisa makeup. Ternyata, makeup yang waterproof di mata dan di bibir kadang sudah diangkat dengan facial wash. Jadi, aku membeli makeup remover yang khusus untuk digunakan di mata dan di bibir.
I thought that using facial wash is enough to clean the rest of makeup on the face. But, the waterproof eye and lips makeup usually are hard to be cleansed by only using facial wash. So I bought the makeup remover that specific for cleansing the eye and lips.

Kamu harus mengocok terlebih dahulu makeup remover-nya. Minyaknya membantu memecah dan melumerkan makeup-nya. Airnya membantu untuk membersihkan sisa-sisanya.
You have to shake the makeup remover. The oil helps to break and melt down the makeup. The water helps to cleanse the rest of the makeup.

Jadi ini cara kerja It's My Lip & Eye Remover.
So this is how It's My Lip & Eye Remover works.

Makeup remover ini tidak meninggalkan kesan lengket atau berminyak sama sekali. Harganya juga terjangkau banget dan bisa dibeli di sini.
This makeup remover doesn't make the skin feels sticky or oily at all. It's also so affordable and you can purchase it here

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