Korea Selatan sangat terkenal dengan face mask-nya yang beraneka ragam. Kadang aku sendiri membeli masker dari Korea karena keunikannya dan manfaatnya di kulit. Produk perawatan wajah dari Korea selalu menjadi favorit aku karena bahannya tidak keras di wajah.
North Korea is well-known with its face mask that comes in lots of variants. Usually I bought face mask from Korea because of its uniqueness and the benefits on the skin. Skin care from Korea always be my favorite one because the ingredients don't harsh on my skin.
Salah satunya aku menemukan masker berwarna biru ini, namanya Mamie Blue dari B&Soap. Aku dapat produk ini dari Beauty Box Althea pertama aku.
I found this blue mask, Mamie Blue from B&Soap. I got this product from my first Althea Beauty Box.
I found this blue mask, Mamie Blue from B&Soap. I got this product from my first Althea Beauty Box.
Masker ini diklaim dapat:
- mengontrol minyak
- mengontrol sel kulit mati di wajah
- menenangkan dan menyejukkan wajah
- melembabkan wajah
This mask is claimed for:
- control the sebum
- control the dead skin cell on the face
- soothe and cool down the skin
- moist the skin
Ada beberapa bahan utama dari masker ini diantaranya peppermint, red bean, calendula flower, dan deep ocean water.
There're some of main ingredients of this mask, as follow peppermint, red bean, calendula flower, and deep ocean water.
There're some of main ingredients of this mask, as follow peppermint, red bean, calendula flower, and deep ocean water.
Aku juga selalu mengutamakan kosmetik yang ramah terhadap lingkungan dan tidak melakukan uji kepada hewan dan B&SOAP Fresh Wash Off Pack Mamie Blue ini salah satunya.
I always prefer cosmetics that environmentally friendly and no animal testing, and B&SOAP Fresh Wash Off Pack Mamie Blue is one of them.
I always prefer cosmetics that environmentally friendly and no animal testing, and B&SOAP Fresh Wash Off Pack Mamie Blue is one of them.
Maskernya hadir dengan spatula untuk membantu aplikasi masker ini.
This mask comes with the spatula that helps to apply this mask.
This mask comes with the spatula that helps to apply this mask.
Maskernya berwarna biru dan teksturnya sangat liat. Wanginya juga cukup minty.
This mask is blue-colored and the texture is very clay. It smells so minty.
This mask is blue-colored and the texture is very clay. It smells so minty.
Aplikasikan masker ini secara merata di wajah. Tunggu kurang lebih 10 menit kemudian dibilas.
Apply this mask evenly on the face. Wait around 10 minutes and then rinse it off.
Sensasi di wajah terasa dingin.
It feels so cool on the face.
Masker ini bisa digunakan dua sampai tiga kali seminggu.
This mask can be used twice or three times in a week.
Produk ini bisa dibeli di Althea.
This mask can be bought at Althea.
- feels cool on the skin
- moist the skin
- reconditioning the skin
ada sensasi panas engga pas di pake?
nggak kok :) aku uda tulis di atas kalau sensasinya dingin
DeleteMaskernya lucu mbakk. Selama pemakaian apa ada efek purging kah ?
iya lucukk. nggak ada sih di aku. hehehe
DeleteAku sukaaa banget, adem! XD
yes it really is!