Friday, August 19, 2016

PRIVIA Miracle BB Balm "21"

Apa yang kalian bayangkan ketika mendengar kata "BB Cream"? Pasti cair dan dikemas dalam tube. Tapi kali ini aku mau review BB cream dalam bentuk compact.
What will you imagine when you hear about "BB Cream"? Indeed it's liquid and packed in tube packaging, won't you. But this time I want to review BB cream in compact.

Privia merupakan brand kosmetik dari Korea yang memiliki BB Cream compact ini.
Privia is Korean's cosmetic brand that has this compact BB cream.

Packaging-nya sangat cantik sekali dengan adanya design hologram di atasnya.
The packaging is beyond beautiful with hologram design on it.

Sudah ada tersedia sponge untuk mengaplikasikan BB Balm ini.
It comes with sponge to apply this BB Balm.

Awalnya aku agak kaget dengan shade-nya di pan, terlihat agak gelap dari kulit aku.
First time I lil bit shocked of the shade on the pan, looks a bit darker from my skin tone.

Tapi ketika aku swatch, warnanya secara ajaib menjadi lebih terang. Teksturnya menurut aku sangat unik. Ketika dicolek dengan jari, rasanya sangat berat teksturnya. Tetapi ketika dibaurkan, teksturnya berubah menjadi seperti bedak.
But when I swatch it, the color magically turns lighter. The texture itself is really unique. When I poked it with my finger, the texture seems really thick. But when it's blended, the texture becomes powdery.

BB Balm ini sangat baik jika diaplikasikan dengan jari ataupun beauty blender yang lembab.
This BB Balm is best applied by finger or damp beauty blender.

Coverage-nya medium to full coverage. Pori-pori aku juga lumayan tersamar dengan BB Balm ini. Kemudian BB Balm ini membuat tekstur wajah lebih halus. Sayangnya BB Balm ini sepertinya hanya akan bekerja dengan baik di tipe kulit normal. Kulit aku cenderung kombinasi, T-Zone berminyak parah dan daerah pipi kering. Jadi, jika aku pakai BB Balm ini, di bagian pipi aku akan terlihat ada dry patches. BB Balm ini oil control-nya bertahan kurang lebih 3-4 jam.
The coverage is medium to full. My pores are also well covered with this BB Balm. Then, this BB Calm makes the skin texture smoother. Unfortunately, this BB Balm seems will work well on normal type skin. My skin is combination skin type, super oily on T-Zone area and dry on the cheeks. So, if I applied this BB Balm, it will be like dry patches on my cheeks. This BB Balm's oil control power is about 3-4 hours.

Harganya Rp 249.000 dan bisa kamu beli di Beauty in U Store (Mall of Indonesia) atau Zalora.
The price is IDR 249.000 that can you buy at Beauty in U Store (Mall of Indonesia) or Zalora.

Aku pernah pakai produk ini di video Youtube aku: Korean Makeup with Korean Cosmetics.
I've ever used this product on my Youtube video: Korean Makeup with Korean Cosmetics.

  • the packaging is beyond beautiful
  • the texture changes from balm to powdery
  • makes the skin texture smoother
  • the coverage is medium to full coverage

  • the oil control is so so
  • leaving dry patches on dry skin


  1. Packagingnya unyu banget *.*

  2. Aku kirain cushion awalnya. Hehe. Ga gitu creamy ya tekturnya?

    1. Teksturnya creamy d awal, tapi setelah diblend jadi kayak powdery gt



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