Merasa kalau waxing di salon mahal banget?? Atau malah merasa takut waxing karena takut sakit?? No, no, no, sekarang udah ada sugar waxing yang terjangkau dan risk free! Please welcome, Sugar Wax Pot!
Do you feel that waxing at the salon is very expensive?? Or even feel scared waxing because of the pain?? No, no, no, no sugar waxing is now already affordable and risk free! Please welcome, Sugar Wax Pot!
Masih bertanya-tanya apa itu Sugar Pot Wax? Sugar Pot adalah metode untuk menghilangkan bulu-bulu yang tidak diinginkan dan tentunya aman bagi kulit karena waxingnya menggunakan gula yang udah pasti bahannya alami.
Still wondering what is the Sugar Pot Wax? Sugar Pot is a method to remove unwanted hairs and certainly safe for the skin because the waxing is using sugar that definitely the natural material.
Still wondering what is the Sugar Pot Wax? Sugar Pot is a method to remove unwanted hairs and certainly safe for the skin because the waxing is using sugar that definitely the natural material.
Ada dua varian yang dikirimkan ke saya dari Sugar Pot Wax. Choco dan Pure Honey.
There're two variants that was sent to me from Sugar Pot Wax. Choco and Pure Honey.
There're two variants that was sent to me from Sugar Pot Wax. Choco and Pure Honey.
Kelebihan Choco Sugar:
- Memutihkan kulit gelap
- Mengangkat sel kulit mati
- Anti bakteri
- Mengandung anti oksidan
- Membantu pergantian sel kulit baru lebih cepat
- Melembabkan & menenangkan kulit
- Membuat kulit lebih bercahaya
- Menjaga kulit halus dan lembut
The advantages of Choco Sugar:
- Whiten dark skin
- Remove dead skin cells
- anti-bacterial
- Contains antioxidants
- Help regenerating skin cell faster
- Moisturize and soothe the skin
- Make skin more radiant
- Keep the skin smooth and soft
Kelebihan Honey Sugar:
- Memutihkan kulit gelap
- Anti bakteri
- Mengandung antioksidan
- Menenangkan kulit
- Membuat kulit bercahaya
- Menjaga kulit halus & lembut
The advantages of Pure Honey Sugar:
- Whiten dark skin
- anti-bacterial
- Contains antioxidants
- Soothes the skin
- Creating glowing skin
- Keep the skin smooth and soft
Kalian juga akan mendapatkan 10 lembar strips alias kain yang digunakan untuk menarik bulu yang ingin dihilangkan, 2 spatula untuk mengoleskan gulanya dan kertas petunjuk penggunaan.
You will also get 10 sheets of strips that used to pull out the unwanted hair, 2 spatulas to apply the sugar and a paper of instructions.
You will also get 10 sheets of strips that used to pull out the unwanted hair, 2 spatulas to apply the sugar and a paper of instructions.
Petunjukknya dalam bahasa Indonesia.
The instruction is in Indonesia.
The instruction is in Indonesia.
Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan:
- panjang bulu yang dapat disugar minimum 0,6 cm
- daerah yang dapat disugar meliputi kaki, tangan, alis, kumis, ketiak, dada, bikini line dan brazilian
- disarankan tidak melakukan sugaring 3 hari sebelum dan sesudah menstruasi
- setelah melakukan sugaring, disarankan tidak mandi menggunakan air hangat atau sauna karena pori-pori yang terbuka akibat sugaring
- beberapa jenis kulit akan mengalami kemerahan setelah sugaring tetapi biasa akan hilang dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam
There are few things to note:
- the length of hair that want to be waxed minimum of 0.6 cms
- areas that can be waxed are feet, hands, eyebrows, mustaches, armpits, chest, bikini line and brazilian
- do not do sugaring 3 days before and after periods as possible
- after sugaring, do not to use warm water to bath or sauna because the pores are open due to the sugaring as possible
- some skin types will be appeared some redness after sugaring but will disappear in less than 24 hours
Jika sudah membaca aturan sebelum sugaring, mari kita mulai! Ada dua pilihan cara sebelum mengaplikasikan sugarnya.
If you've read the rules before sugaring, let's get started! There are two options before applying the sugar.
Pertama, bisa kamu langsung gunakan. Untuk cara ini saya gunakan yang varian Choco wanginya kayak gula merah. Langsung ambil dengan spatulanya. Teksturnya sangat weight dan tentu saja lengket banget.
First, you can directly use it. For this way I use the variant Choco and the scent is like brown sugar. Pick the sugar with the spatula to apply. Its texture is very weight and of course it's really sticky.
Saya menggunakan kaki adik saya. Hahaha. Mari kita mulai step by step.
I use my sister's legs. Hahaha. Let's start step by step.
Bersihkan bagian tubuh yang akan disugar dan pastikan permukaan kulit kering. Taburkan bedak dan ratakan di permukaan kulit.
Clean the body part to be waxed and make sure the surface of the skin is dry. Sprinkle the powder on the skin surface and even it out.
Clean the body part to be waxed and make sure the surface of the skin is dry. Sprinkle the powder on the skin surface and even it out.
Oleskan pasta sugar menggunakan spatula ke daerah yang diinginkan mengikuti arah pertumbuhan rambut.
Ingaaatt, dalam step ini harus rata pengolesannya ya. Agar ketika sudah ditarik stripnya tidak ada gula yang bersisa.
Apply the sugar using a spatula to desired area and following the direction of hair growth.
Remembeeeeeeer, in this step you must apply it evenly. So when the strips is pulled, no residu of the sugar left.
Tempelkan kain, tekan-tekan hingga kain menempel secara merata dengan pasta sugar seluruhnya.
Stick the strips, press the strips until it sticks up evenly with the sugar paste completely.
Stick the strips, press the strips until it sticks up evenly with the sugar paste completely.
Tarik kain berlawanan dengan arah pertumbuhan rambut secara CEPAT.
Ini serius! Harus cepat. Kalau perlahan-lahan dan takut-takut malah terasa sakit.
Pull the strips opposite to the direction of hair growth QUICKLY.
This is serious! Must be quick. If you pull it slowly and timidly, it will be hurt.
Because I applied it uneven, the sugar still left a bit |
Setelah semua bagian yang diingini telah selesai di sugar, bersihkan bagian tersebut dengan air.
Karena ini gula, kalian tentu tidak ingin membiarkan badan kalian yang habis diwax lengket-lengket bukan? Setelah dicuci, gunakan soothing gel atau baby cream biar nggak iritasi. Lebih baik menggunakan segala macam yang berbau lidah buaya alias aloe vera karena kandungan aloevera bersifat anti iritasi.
Once all sections have been completed to be waxed, wash them with water.
Because this is sugar, you certainly do not want to let your body feels sticky, right? After washing it, use a soothing gel or baby cream to minimize the irritation. Better to use all gel or cream that contains aloe vera because aloevera contains anti-irritants.
Berikut adalah foto sesudah dan sebelum diwax.
Here's the photo before and after waxing.
Selanjutnya, Kedua, kamu bisa merendam Sugar Pot di air panas sekitar 3/4 jarnya dengan keadaan tutupnya telah dibuka. Jangan sampai masuk ya airnya. Untuk contoh ini saya menggunakan varian Pure Honey. Wanginya seperti gula biasa.
Next, Second, you can soak the Sugar Pot in hot water about 3/4 of the jar with the lid has been opened. Do not let the water in. For this Way I use a variant of Pure Honey. It's smelled like regular sugar.
Next, Second, you can soak the Sugar Pot in hot water about 3/4 of the jar with the lid has been opened. Do not let the water in. For this Way I use a variant of Pure Honey. It's smelled like regular sugar.
Atau kalian yang pecinta efisiensi seperti saya, bisa langsung microwave saja selama 10-15 detik dengan kondisi tutupnya dibuka.
Or if you guys are efficiency lovers like me, can be directly microwave it for about10-15 seconds with the lid is opened.
Or if you guys are efficiency lovers like me, can be directly microwave it for about10-15 seconds with the lid is opened.
Tekstur yang dihasilkan seperti madu dan lebih encer daripada tidak dihangatkan. INGAT, aplikasikan ke kulit ketika suhunya sudah tidak terlalu panas ya agar tidak berbahaya dan membakar kulit kalian. Jika terlalu panas, diamkan sebentar. Tekstur yang lebih encer seperti ini lebih mudah pengolesannya dan lebih rata hasilnya. Saya lebih suka dengan cara ini. Ada sensasi hangat-hangatnya juga.
The resulting texture is like honey and more thin-textured than not be warmed. REMEMBER, apply the sugar to the skin when the temperature is not too hot so it's not harmful and burn your skin. If it's too hot, let the temperature decrease a while. More honey texture like this makes it easier and evener when be applied. I prefer use this way. There is also giving warm sensation.
The resulting texture is like honey and more thin-textured than not be warmed. REMEMBER, apply the sugar to the skin when the temperature is not too hot so it's not harmful and burn your skin. If it's too hot, let the temperature decrease a while. More honey texture like this makes it easier and evener when be applied. I prefer use this way. There is also giving warm sensation.
Kemudian ulangi stepnya kembali seperti yang ada diatas.
Then repeat again the steps like has been explained above..
Stripsnya bisa digunakan kembali. Cukup merendam dan menguceknya dengan air hangat. Kemudian dikeringkan. Tapi tarikannya jadi tidak terlalu kuat.
The strips can be reused. Just simply soak and rubbed em in warm water. Then dried em. But the "pull-power" becomes not too strong.
Reaksi pada kulit adik saya adalah bentol-bentol seperti digigit nyamuk karena kulit adik saya cenderung tipis. Tapi hilang dalam semalam saja.
The reaction on my sister's skin is bumps like from mosquito's bite because her skin is quite thin. But they just disappear overnight.
Bulu kaki adik saya tumbuhnya cukup lama setelah melakukan sugaring ini. Tumbuhnya juga normal, tidak kribo karena biasanya kita sangat takut kalau bulunya tumbuh lagi akan keriting. Saya sendiri apakah saya menggunakan sugar wax ini? Tentu saja! Saya menggunakannya untuk armpit hair removal dan tidak mungkin saya dokumentasikann :v
My sister leg's hair takes a long time to grow after doing the sugaring. The hair grow like normal, not curly because normally we're very afraid to do waxing because it makes the hair will grow back curly. Do I use this sugar wax too? Of course! I use it for armpit hair removal that is not possible the photos to be share with :v
Harga Choco Sugar Rp 80.000 dan Pure Honey Sugar Rp 75.000.
The price of Choco Sugar is IDR 80.000 and Pure Honey Sugar is IDR 75.000
- affordable
- reusable strips
- didn't too hurt the skin
- pull and remove the unwanted hair until the root
- the growth of the hair takes a long time
- only can wax the hair with minimum 0,6 cm length, so you must wait your unwanted hair to grow long
Where to get this SUGAR POT WAX?
Visit and Buy here
E-mail :
Phone: 08588 1111 685
Line: jessycaoctavia
Salam kenal...
ReplyDeleteIya nih,emang males kalo bolak balik ke salon untuk nge wax...lebih praktsi beli waxing n nge wax sendiri tapi bingung mo beli dimana
Wahh,boleh juga tuh infonya...harganya jg ga mahal...must have item nih...
Aku udah follow blognya yaaa...
Haiii, iya betul banget. Ngewax sendiri lebih enak. Hahahaha
DeleteYup, must have banget!!
Thanks yaa
sis,ini masih jual ngga? bisa pesen?
ReplyDeleteMaaf bukan saya yg jual^^
DeleteSaya hanya mereview
kamu bs lgs hubungi ke CP yg uda saya cantumkan^^
Hai hai~ salam kenal~ aku juga pakai nih~ Tapi sayangnya gak gitu berguna untuk bagian ketiak XD jadi mengurungkan niat untuk brazilian wax sendiri hahahaha~ Kalau nganggur, main lah ke blogku <3333
Halo salam kenal^^
DeleteEm kalau untuk keti sih aku suka banget, tapi kudu nunggu gondrong dulu. Hahhaha
Tumbuhnya jadi lama banget
OK I'll visit your blog^^