Wednesday, December 18, 2013

MAYBELLINE Volum' Express Turbo Boost Mascara

Yuhuu, how D everybody?? Christmas is coming! So excited. Yap, padahal liburan sudah mendekat tetapi tugas di kampus tetap saja menumpuk. Jadi post di Desember ini dikit banget jadinya. Huhu
Yuhuu, how D everybody?? Christmas is coming! So excited. Yep, when holiday is near ahead, the tasks in my campus still piling up. So there're just not many posts I can make. Huhu

Btw, saya dulu pernah bilang kalau kosmetik yang jarang saya pakai adalah maskara. Yep, bahkan saya lebih prefer menggunakan fake lashes dengan alasan lebih gampang dan juga nggak merusak bulu mata (jika penggunaannya benar ya). Tapi ternyata saya butuh banget. Kalau pakai fake lashes, pasti bulu mata saya nggak menyatu dengan fake lashesnya. Bulu mata saya tumbuh lurus ke bawah, jadi nggak cukup dicurl dengan eyelash curler aja.
Btw, I used to say that cosmetic that I rarely use is mascara. Yep, I even more prefer to use fake lashes because they're more easy to applied and also don't damage the eyelashes (if you applied them right). But it turned out that I really need mascara now. If I use fake lashes, my lashes definitely not stick together with the fake lashes. My eyelashes grow straight down, so it's not enough if just curl them with lash curler.

Then, saya memilih Maybelline karena Maybelline memiliki review baik untuk maskaranya. Dan tahukah kalian kalau Maybelline sendiri mengawali bisnisnya dengan produk maskaranya?? Saya disarankan oleh SPGnya yang Volum' Express Turbo Boost Mascara yang sesuai dengan tipe bulu mata saya.
Then, I chose Maybelline because it has so many good reviews for Maybelline mascara. And do you know that Maybelline (company) started the business with their mascara products?? I was advised by the sales to choose the Volum' Express Turbo Boost Mascara because it's wearable as well on my-lashes-type-like.

Mari kita lihat how it works on my lashes. Saya cukup puas dengan hasilnya yang langsung memanjangkan dan menambah volum bulu mata saya.
Let's see how it works on my lashes. I'm quite satisfied with the results that directly lengthen and increase the volume of my lashes.

Maskara ini waterproof. Bahkan untuk membersihkannya nggak cukup dengan air dan sabun cuci muka, harus menggunakan makeup remover. Untuk rub proofnya agak kurang. Ketika dipakai di bulu mata untuk beberapa jam awal, tidak ada masalah. Ketika dipakai seharian, jika kita menggosok mata kita maka akan terlepas menjadi gumpalan-gumpalan kecil tetapi tidak terlalu banyak kok.
This is waterproof mascara. Not even enough to clean it with water and face wash, should use the makeup remover. It has not too good rub proof. When it's applied on my lashes for a few hours early, there's no problem. When it's worn all day, if we rub our eyes it will be some small clumps but not too much really.

Rub test

Waterproof test

Harga sekitar Rp 60.000an.
The price is around IDR 60.000.


  • affordable
  • waterproof, it can be cleaned by makeup remover
  • lengthening and adding volume on my lashes as well
  • well-design brush


  • if be used all day long, the rub-proof will decrease

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