Sebelum Imlek, saya mencari kutek berwarna biru benhur. Setelah ke counter Revlon, Nyx dan sebagainya, ternyata stok warna tersebut mereka kosong. Saya pun berjalan ke arah keluar, dan melihat ada kutek dengan warna yang saya inginkan di counter bernama Elianto. Hmm, saya tidak pernah mendengar brand ini, mungkin brand baru atau bagaimana saya tidak tahu. Setelah mensearch, saya baru tahu Elianto adalah brand dari Malaysia. Di sana banyak dijual kosmetik, facial care dan sebagainya. Saya melihat harga kutek tersebut. Sangat murah!! Hehehe.. Otomatis saya langsung membeli kedua kutek ini.
Before CNY, I was seeking for benhur color nail polish. Revlon and Nyx counter have no their stock of the color I was seeking. After that I wanted to go out from there but I saw my wanted nail polish in the counter named Elianto. Hmm, I've never seen this brand before, maybe this is new brand or what else I didn't know. But after googling, I found that Elianto is brand from Malaysia. There are some cosmetics, facial care and so on. I saw the price of that polish. Very cheap!! Lol. Directly, I bought these both