Wednesday, December 19, 2012

ORIFLAME Powder Brush

Oriflame, sudah tentu tidak asing lagi. Siapa tidak tahu Oriflame? Oriflame adalah brand kosmetika, toiletries, parfum dan sebagainya dari Swedia yang ditawarkan di katalognya setiap bulan dan penjualannya dengan sistem Multi Level Marketing (MLM). Kali ini saya membeli sebuah Powder Brush dari Oriflame.
Oriflame, of course it isn't strange anymore. Who doesn't know Oriflame? Brand of cosmetics, toiletries, perfumes and etc from Sweden and being sold from the catalogs every month and the system of the selling is by Multi Level Marketing (MLM). This time, I bought Powder Brush from Orifame

Product Code: 24150

Deskripsi dari katalognya  adalah sebagai berikut: Goat Hair, Aluminium, Kayu, Ukuran 18cm, Harga Rp 65.000 (Normal, jika kamu mau murah, tunggu saja diskon. Oriflame selalu diskon berbeda-beda produk tiap bulannya). Dan deskripsi saya adalah sebagai berikut :D Saya memang belum pernah memegang bulu kambing asli :p tapi kesan pertama ketika menyentuh bulu brush ini adalah, tepinya kasar. Tapi bagian atasnya tidak sekasar tepinya, setidaknya masih layak untuk pengaplikasian bedak tabur dengan kuas ini. Masalah kedua adalah, bau, tapi tidak separah "M.A.C" Professional Brush Set 32 brushes (bisa dicek di Saya sudah mereviewnya :D)
The description from the catalog are as follow: Goat hair, aluminium, wood, Length 18cm, IDR 56.000 (It's normal price, but if you want to get the cheap one, wait until it gets discount. Oriflame always give discount for some different products every month). And these are my description :D I've actually never touched the real goat hair before :p but the first impression when I was touching the bristles is, the edge really stiff. But the top of the bristles isn't as stiff as its edge. The second problem is, it smells so stinky, but luckily it isn't as stinky as "M.A.C" Professional Brush Set 32 brushes (check them out at I've made the review :D)

  • harga terjangkau ~affordable price

  • bagian tepi bulunya kasar ~the edge of the bristles is too stiff
  • bau ~stinky
  • rontok ~bristles are fall out
  • not dye-free

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